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I shall be told that the jousts of Suero de Quinones, him of the 'Paso, and the emprise of Mosen Luis de Falces against the Castilian knight, Don Gonzalo de Guzman, were mere mockeries; as well as many other achievements of Christian knights of these and foreign realms, which are so authentic and true, that, I repeat, he who denies them must be totally wanting in reason and good sense."

And when the Cid heard this, he took both his sons-in-law and Suero Gonzalez with them, and went upon the highest tower of the Alcazar, and showed them the great power which King Bucar of Morocco had brought; and when he beheld this great power he began to laugh and was exceeding glad: but Suero Gonzalez and his nephews were in great fear: howbeit they would not let it be seen.

And he rode away as fast as he could, and Martin Antolinez called out after him, Get out, Don Traitor! and drove him out of the lists, and remained conqueror. VI. Muno Gustioz and Suero Gonzalez dealt each other such strokes with their spears as it was marvellous to behold.

Eight days did the great rejoicings endure which the Cid made in Valencia, for the vengeance which God had given him upon the Infantes of Carrion, and their uncle Suero Gonzalez, the aider and abettor in the villainy which they had committed.

James's Day there would be in this place three knights, each without a piece of his armor, and each ready to run two courses with every knight who should present himself that day, know, therefore, that I, Suero de Quiñones, alone am those three knights, and am prepared to accomplish what I proclaimed."

If you deny this, I will fight you upon this quarrel before the King our Lord. Then Count Suero Gonzalez rose in great haste and said, Nephews, go you away and leave these rascally companions: if they are for fighting, we will give them their fill of that, if our Lord the King should think good so to command; that shall not fail for us, though they are not our peers.

And Suero Gonzalez being a right hardy knight and a strong, and of great courage, struck the shield of Muno Gustioz and pierced it through and through; but the stroke was given aslant, so that it passed on and touched him not.

Then Don Alvar Fanez Minaya arose and said, Hold thy peace, Count Suero Gonzalez! you have been to breakfast before you said your prayers, and your words are more like a drunkard's than one who is in his senses. Your kinsmen like those of the Cid!... if it were not out of reverence to my Lord and King, I would teach you never to talk again in this way.

Then the King spake thus: I have taken counsel with these Counts whom I appointed to be Alcaldes in this cause between the Cid and the Infantes of Carrion, and with other honourable and learned men: and this is the sentence which I give; that both the Infantes and Count Suero Gonzalez their fosterer and uncle, forasmuch as it is given me to understand that he was the adviser and abettor in the dishonour which they did unto the daughters of the Cid, shall do battle with such three of the Cid's people as it may please him to appoint, and thereby acquit themselves if they can.

This wicked counsel did Suero Gonzalez give unto his nephews, which he might have well excused giving, and then both he and they would not have come off so badly as the history will in due season relate.