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Sect. 4. Now to the particulars. And first, that which Christ did, Matt. xix. 13, 15, cannot commend unto us the bishopping or confirmation of children by prayer and imposition of hands; for as Maldonat saith rightly, Hebreorum consuetudinem fuisse, ut qui majores erant et aliqua polle bant divina gratia, manuum impositione inferioribus benedicerent, constat ex Gen. xlviii. 14, 15, hac ergo ratione adducti parentes, infantes ad Christum afferebant, ut impositis manibus illis benediceret.

A sincere alliance of France, the very flower of whose nobility and people inclined to the Reformed religion, was impossible, even if there had been fifty infantes to espouse fifty daughters of France. Great Britain, the Netherlands, and the united princes of Germany seemed a solid and serried phalanx of Protestantism, to break through which should be hopeless.

II. Two years after their marriage did the Infantes of Carrion sojourn in Valencia in peace and pleasure, to their own great contentment, and their uncle Suero Gonzalez with them; and at the end of those two years, there came to pass a great misadventure, by reason of which they fell out with the Cid, in whom there was no fault.

After a while Alvar Fanez rose and said, Sir, when we departed from the Cid we left him in great honour and prosperity; but on our way we met a squire who is his nephew, by name Felez Munoz, and he hath told us the evil and the dishonour which both we and the Cid endure in the villainy which the Infantes of Carrion have committed upon his daughters.

Then the King spake thus: I have taken counsel with these Counts whom I appointed to be Alcaldes in this cause between the Cid and the Infantes of Carrion, and with other honourable and learned men: and this is the sentence which I give; that both the Infantes and Count Suero Gonzalez their fosterer and uncle, forasmuch as it is given me to understand that he was the adviser and abettor in the dishonour which they did unto the daughters of the Cid, shall do battle with such three of the Cid's people as it may please him to appoint, and thereby acquit themselves if they can.

XIII. While yet that messenger of the Soldan of Persia abode in Valencia, tidings carne to the Cid that the Infantes of Aragon and Navarre were coming to celebrate their marriage with his daughters, according as it had been appointed at the Cortes of Toledo.

And we will not depart from the King's house, nor take unto ourselves any other Lord till the Cid shall have obtained justice in this matter. And all those knights held this counsel to be good, and agreed to do so. And they took their way and followed after the Infantes as fast as they could, taking no rest; but the Infantes had ridden away full speed, and they could not overtake them.

And when they saw this they went their way to King Don Alfonso who was at Palencia, and they came before him and kissed his hands, and then with sorrowful hearts told him of the evil which had befallen the Cid, in this dishonour done unto his daughters by the Infantes of Carrion.

On his head he had a coif of scarlet wrought with gold, which was made that none might clip the hair of the good Cid. His was a long beard, and he bound it with a cord. And he bade Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez assemble their companions, and when he saw them he said, If the Infantes of Carrion should seek a quarrel, where I have a hundred such as these I may be well without fear!

And when the lion had ate his meat and saw that the door was open he went out of the court and came down into the palace, even into the hall where they all were; and when they who were there saw him, there was a great stir among them; but the Infantes of Carrion showed greater cowardice than all the rest.