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In this case, without doubt, the subject originally suffered a sub-periosteal fracture of the bone and because the animal was a good self nurse, the brachial fascia supported the radius until the periosteum gave way and the leg dangled. In this instance infection took place and suppuration resulted. It was deemed advisable to destroy this animal. Prognosis.

They are usually sub-periosteal and when the periosteum is left intact or nearly so, no crepitation is discernible. If this fracture is simple, prompt recovery may be expected. Bones of young animals, because they do not contain proportionately as much mineral substance as do bones of adults, are more resilient and less apt to become completely fractured.

These symptoms are due to a sub-periosteal hæmorrhage, and associated with this there may be crepitus from separation of an epiphysis, rarely from fracture of the shaft of the bone. X-ray photographs show enlargement of the bone, the periosteum being raised from the shaft and new bone formed in relation to it.

In fact, a sub-periosteal fracture may exist for several days or a week or more and then, with subsequent fracture of the periosteum, crepitation and abnormal mobility of the member are to be recognized. In such cases, the subject will bear some weight upon the affected member, but this causes much distress.

Before the stage of cold abscess is reached, the localised swelling is to be differentiated from a gumma, from chronic forms of staphylococcal osteomyelitis, from enlarged bursa or ganglion, from sub-periosteal lipoma, and from sarcoma. Most difficulty is met with in relation to periosteal sarcoma, which must be differentiated either by the X-ray appearances or by an exploratory incision.

When a toe is affected, amputation is the best treatment, but in the case of a finger it is rarely called for. In the case of a metacarpal or metatarsal bone, sub-periosteal resection is the procedure of choice, saving the articular ends if possible. [Illustration: FIG.