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In the meanwhile the well-being of the affected animal is to be considered just as in any other case where the patient is so confined. The foal in such instances constitutes a source of some trouble, but the average mare offers no serious resistance to the confinement occasioned by the sling. Good hygienic care, a suitable diet and full physiological doses of strychnin are indicated.

Hypodermic injections of strychnin in doses sufficiently large to produce a slight degree of poisoning by the drug are particularly useful. The most rational treatment, when it is available, is the use of the antivenin introduced by Fraser and Calmette.

#Treatment of the Bloodless State.# The patient should be placed in a warm, well-ventilated room, and the foot of the bed elevated. Cardiac stimulants, such as strychnin or alcohol, must be judiciously administered, over-stimulation being avoided. The inhalation of oxygen has been found useful in relieving the urgent symptoms of dyspnœa.

As a result of these researches we are able to state that the H-ion concentration of the blood its acidity is increased by excessive muscular activity; excessive emotional excitation; surgical shock; in the late stages of infection; by asphyxia; by strychnin convulsions; by inhalation anesthetics; after excision of the pancreas, and in the late stages of life after excision of the liver and excision of the adrenals.

Professor Ehrlich states that one gram of the pure poison will kill 1,500,000 guinea pigs. Ricin was lately isolated by Professor Robert, of Rostock, but is seldom found except in an impure state, though still very deadly. It surpasses strychnin, prussic acid, and other commonly known drugs.

The close, of course, should be very small. Such a dosage may be of value, and certainly is better than the administration of too much strychnin. Much larger or more frequent doses are likely, as just stated, to depress the respiration.

On the other hand, strychnin in the low blood pressure of serious illness, such as pneumonia, by no means always raises the blood pressure. It should not be forgotten that strychnin is a general nervous stimulant, especially of the spinal cord.

On the other hand, if the diastolic is being raised by an increased venous pressure from a failing heart, digitalis, strychnin and caffein may be of benefit in lowering the diastolic as well as raising the systolic. However, if there is a high systolic and a low diastolic pressure, vasodilators are often contraindicated.

Venous pressure was not much affected by small doses of epinephrin, but with large doses it rose from 10 to 80 mm. Pituitary extract acts somewhat similarly to epinephrin. Caffein, though raising the arterial pressure, did not influence the venous pressure. Strychnin did not raise either pressure until the dose was sufficient to cause muscular contractions.

If medication is needed, strychnin sulphate, 1/40, or 1/30 grain three times a day, acid the tincture of digitalis in from 5 to 10 drop doses twice a day will aid the heart to recover its tone. Such treatment, when soon applied to a slowly dilating and weakening heart, will establish at least a temporary cure and will greatly- prolong life.