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Nor is the wide adoption and preservation of symbols alone due to an easily noticed similarity between certain objects and the earliest conceptions of the supernatural, or to the preservative power of religious veneration. I have previously referred to the associations of ideas arising from ancestral reversions of memory, and from the principles of minimum muscular action and harmonic excitation.

While the fight was in progress, in the forgetfulness of his excitation, my black boy Tommy began to speak apparently quite fluently in their language to the two spies, keeping up a running conversation with them nearly all the time.

A PROPOS of the cardinal, Monsieur de Treville, I am vexed with you!" This was the chance at which M. de Treville waited for the king. He knew the king of old, and he knew that all these complaints were but a preface a sort of excitation to encourage himself and that he had now come to his point at last.

For in what consists our sympathy with the miseries, or with the joys, of our fellow creatures, but in an involuntary excitation of ideas in some measure similar or imitative of those, which we believe to exist in the minds of the persons, whom we commiserate or congratulate?

They need both physical and intellectual excitation, and having none of the resources which mental and moral culture throws open to civilized man, they seek it in making war upon each other or upon the wild animals which share with them the woods and the prairies.

I continued in my position at her feet, and encouraged by her urbanity, poured forth a torrent of what to the many are considered compliments, but which to her were but truths. I became eloquent from excitation; and being at this time, as I before observed to your highness, a very personable man, I perceived that she was pleased with my efforts to obtain her favour.

We, therefore, bestow no mean compliment upon the author of Emma, when we say that, keeping close to common incidents, and to such characters as occupy the ordinary walks of life, she has produced sketches of such spirit and originality, that we never miss the excitation which depends upon a narrative of uncommon events, arising from the consideration of minds, manners and sentiments, greatly above our own.

Next to these visual phantasms, certain motor hallucinations seem to be most prominent in dreams. By a motor hallucination, I mean the illusion that we are actually moving when there is no peripheral excitation of the motor organ. Just as the centres concerned in passive sensation are susceptible of central stimulation, so are the centres concerned in muscular sensation.

Use hmmm sodium copper magnesium aluminium, iron and chromium. Got it?" "Yes, sir." He left, just as Devin returned with a large electrostatic voltmeter. "I'd like," said he, "to know how you know the voltage will range around eighty thousand." "K-ring excitation potential for mercury.

Compare two similar wooden disks, and let the diameter of one be slightly greater than that of the other. Heat the smaller one to over 120 degrees F., and it will be judged heavier than the larger cold one. Experiment 173. To illustrate the influence of excitation of one sense organ on the other sense organs.