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Thanks to the perfect organisation which Colonel Ward, C.B., brings into all branches of the department over which he is chief here, and the attention paid to innumerable details by his second in command, Colonel Stoneman, there has never been any danger of necessary supplies being exhausted, even if this place were invested for a much longer time than seems likely now, but these two officers seem to have more than absolute necessaries in reserve.

You're true blue, but I'll have to have a look at your papers." "Perfectly proper," said Captain Stoneman. "Come below." The two disappeared below, but returned on deck a few moments later. "Who are your passengers, Captain?" asked the American officer. Captain Stoneman explained. "Guess I'd better have a look at them anyhow, if it's no trouble," said the lieutenant.

The medical authority has objected to certain improvements on the ground of expense, but, as Colonel Stoneman says, what will England care about a few thousands at such a crisis in her history? Or what would she say if we allowed her sick and wounded to die in discomfort for the want of a little money?

The humiliating surrender of General Stoneman at Macon in July, showed them what our folks were thinking of, and awakened their minds to the disastrous consequences of such a movement when executed by a bolder and abler commander.

"Well, well," sighed the old gravedigger, "I never thought I should live to bury a man without a head." To-day, for the first time, we heard that Lord Roberts had lost his only son at Colenso. The whole camp was sad about it. The scandal over the robbery of the sick by the civilians at Intombi has grown so serious that at last General Hunter is sending out Colonel Stoneman to investigate.

And other such scenes, I reckon, were being enacted elsewhere, but at last a detail was sent around to arrest all stragglers, and we were soon rolling back to Atlanta. Well, after "jugging" Stoneman, we go back to Atlanta and occupy our same old place near the concrete house.

"We fired those guns to notify the Pioneer we had encountered the raider." "Well, why didn't you shoot at her?" demanded Mrs. Wheaton. Captain Stoneman was about to make an angry retort, but restrained himself with a visible effort. The raider's boat scraped alongside the Algonquin. "Throw down a ladder here," said a voice in English, though with a heavy German accent.

I ordered him to send Stoneman from East Tennessee into Northwest South Carolina, to be there about the time you would reach Columbia. He would either have drawn off the enemy's cavalry from you, or would have succeeded in destroying railroads, supplies, and other material, which you could not reach.

With Bull's Gap fortified, you can occupy as outposts about all of East Tennessee, and be prepared, if it should be required of you in the spring, to make a campaign towards Lynchburg, or into North Carolina. I do not think Stoneman should break the road until he gets into Virginia, unless it should be to cut off rolling-stock that may be caught west of that. "U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General.

About the 10th of June it was ascertained that John Morgan was moving toward Lexington. Gen. Stoneman having started with two brigades two weeks previous to Georgia, Col. Garrard's brigade was all that were left in that immediate vicinity. On the 10th Col.