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The air was hazy with cigarette smoke. There was a business air, an air of readiness and expectancy about the gaming tables though no one at this early hour had suggested playing. Ortega himself, fat and greasy and pompous, leaned against his bar and twisted a stogie between his puffy, pendulous lips. He merely batted his eyes at Kendric, who noticed him not at all.

The door was furnished with a pane of frosted glass, on which, in gold letters, was inscribed, "Bridges & Co., Grain Dealers." Bridges himself, a middle-aged man who wore a velvet skull-cap and who was smoking a Pittsburg stogie, met the farmer at the counter and the two exchanged perfunctory greetings. "Well," said Lewiston, tentatively, after awhile.

Then he slowly took the stogie from his mouth and ejaculated, "Ach Engelsch! Do it well met you?" I replied that it certainly did. "And met Madame?" I nodded. "Alst' u blieft mynheer sir," he said. Then he changed his seat and thereafter related to the others that he had conversed with the strangers, who were English, and were traveling for pleasure, being enormously rich.

In the midst of these remains a red-headed Yankee of forty, smoking a Pittsburg stogie, sat tilted back in a kitchen chair, reading the Boston American. Mr. Wrenn delivered M. Baraieff's letter and stood waiting, holding his suit-case, ready to skip out and go aboard a cattle-boat immediately. The shipping-agent glanced through the letter, then snapped: "Bryff's crazy. Always sends 'em too early.

This to hide his first inclination to whistle. Fifty thousand why, he didn't know Number Ten ranch was worth that much money. But it must be worth a good deal more if his grandfather had advanced so much on it. "It is a nice little pile," he admitted carelessly. The old man grunted, thrust his hands into his pockets, and drew deeply at his stogie. Steve rolled a cigarette.

The latter looked up as the visitor entered, revealing an unshaven chin and a pair of restless black eyes over the left of which the lid drooped appreciably. He was smoking a long black stogie, and scattered upon his vest and in a semicircle surrounding his chair was a sprinkling of white ash from vanished predecessors.

Steve flushed a little under the direct, piercing look, but said steadily "Not a crook, I hope." "That's something, if it ain't everything," snorted the old man as, withdrawing his hand, he found and lighted a long stogie. "Blenham tells me you fired him las' night?" Young Packard nodded, watching his grandfather's face for the first sign of opposition.

Not that I would decry my own worth or system of drawing room deportment, and work with the olive fork and pie knife, says I, 'but isn't the entree nous into the salons of the stogie smokers going to be harder than you imagined? "'If there's any handicap at all, says Andy, 'it's our own refinement and inherent culture.

What in blazes makes you stop every five minutes?" Max protested, one day. Dr. Ed, who had only stopped to bite off the end of a stogie to hold in his cheek, picked up his book in a hurry, and eyed the invalid over it. "Stop bullying. I'll read when I'm ready. Have you any idea what I'm reading?" "Of course." "Well, I haven't. For ten minutes I've been reading across both pages!"

I was starved hungry, and I remember I hot-footed it proper upstairs to his den and threw open the door." Puff! puff! went the big stogie. "An Irish plasterer with seven kids ate that turkey, I recollect," he completed, "and I've never kept Thanksgiving from that day to this." "And your grandfather?" unemotionally. "Just the same.