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"I was meanin' a clean clean dress, Mrs. Bailey. A clean dress or stockin's, mebby." "Bill was lookin' for a clean dress," snickered Andy. Pete grinned. "Bill, I reckon it ain't your ear that needs that sticking-plaster. A clean shirt, indeed! I'm surprised at you, William." "Gee, Ma called him Willum!" whispered Andy. "Bill better fade." The men tramped in, nodded to Mrs. Bailey, and sat down.

Moreover, the tradition of hanging garments on the line according to a severely classified system, did not in the least appeal to her. "I guess a petticoat'll dry jest as quick if it's hung 'side of a nightgown," she told her critics, drily. "An' when you come to hangin' stockin's by the pair, better separate 'em, I say! Like man an' wife!

It is slow knittin' shells are dretful slow anyway and she wuz too proud sperited to have 'em plain clam-shell pattern, which are bigger and coarser; she had to have 'em oyster-shell pattern, in ridges. Wall, as I say, I felt dubersome, but I spoke up cheerful on the outside "If you git your stockin's done, Tirzah Ann, you must be sure and come." And she said she would.

I gin her some lamb's wool yarn for a pair of stockin's most immegictly afterwerds, and a half bushel of but'nuts. She is dretful fond of but'nuts. Wall, Sister Shelmadine had sold ten pounds of maple sugar, and brought the worth on it.

But I felt that the weather wuz safe, and cotton stockin's, and hens, and factory cloth, and I kep' her down on them for more'n two hours. But good land! I can't blame her for bein' embittered agin men and the laws they've made, for it seems as if I never see a human creeter so afflicted as Serepta Pester has been all her life.

"I think 'bout Tommy first," said Lovey Mary. "Yes, you certainly do yer part by him. If my childern wore stockin's an' got as many holes in 'em as he does, I'd work buttonholes in 'em at the start fer the toes to come through. But even Tommy wants somethin' besides darns. Why don't you let him go barefoot on Sundays, too, an' take the time you been mendin' fer him to play with him?

'But I always allowed Mary was his lawful child, like, said Jabez, after Jesse had spoken for a while. ''Tain't so.... Jim Wickenden's woman she never made nothing. She come out o' Lewes with her stockin's round her heels, an' she never made nor mended aught till she died. He had to light fire an' get breakfast every mornin' except Sundays, while she sowed it abed.

"I I never s'posed that girl would turn out greedy." The mother's countenance slowly wrinkled into lines of grief and worry, she wrung her hands and rocked from side to side. "I dunno what's come over the child," she moaned, tearfully. "She behaves so queer over them silk stockin's an' corsets an' lingeries an' things that she skeers me. Sometimes I'm afeerd she's goin' crazy or something."

The more she handled them the more reckless she became. "I 'spect I 'se gwine to try dese heah stockin's on!" she said, with a giggle, as she drew the silken lengths over her bare, dusty feet. "Gee Bob! Ain't them scrumptious! I look lak a shore-'nuff circus lady!" She tipped the mirror in order to get the full reflection, and stood for a moment entranced.

I've always had the name o' bein' a good housekeeper, but when I'm dead and gone there ain't anybody goin' to think o' the floors I've swept, and the tables I've scrubbed, and the old clothes I've patched, and the stockin's I've darned. Abram might 'a' remembered it, but he ain't here.