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She made herself a bed for them in a sunny corner of the kitchen-garden, and transplanted daisy roots and spring-beauties, with other wood- and field-plants as they blossomed. She watched the ferns unroll their worm-like fronds, made plays with the nodding violets, and ornamented her head with dandelion curls. This was indeed a happy summer.

In the woods at Oaklands, whither father went once or twice a week to have an eye upon his improvements and preparations for the summer, spring-beauties, hepaticas, and anemones, and even a few early violets, were showing their lovely faces; and all young things ah, and the older ones too were rejoicing that the "winter was past and gone."

"You chose to be carried away by one robber and brought back by another." Lucrèce snugged close to her soldier, and he gave her a playful kiss. "Spoony," sang Evaleen, whereupon her prim younger daughter, whose plump fist tightly held a bunch of spring-beauties, looked up in wonder and lisped: "Mamma, what is spoony?" The elder sister, some seven years old, came running to her mother's side.

Great masses of scarlet and cream-colored tulips, and white and gold narcissus, knots of roses of all shades, carnations, heavy-headed trails of wistaria, wild hyacinths, violets, deep crimson and orange ranunculus, giglios, or wild irises, the Florence emblem, so deeply purple as to be almost black, anemones, spring-beauties, faintly tinted wood-blooms tied in large loose nosegays, ivy, fruit blossoms, everything that can be thought of that is fair and sweet.

The trees would soon be in leaf, the flowers were coming along in rotation, and the forest fairly pulsed with life. Now Charley found a gorgeous bed of blood-root. Again he came on great patches of arbutus. Here the Dutchman's-breeches grew in rich clumps. There spring-beauties fairly whitened the earth.