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Since leaving the hospital, she's moved into an expensive flat, and has splurged out into good clothes. Whence the wherewithal?" "Bribery!" "Without a doubt." "Then Pierce has got us." "It looks so," admitted Ellis sorrowfully. "But we can't give in," groaned Hal. "It means the end of the 'Clarion. What is there to do?" "Play for time," advised the other.

There were winks and stares and elbow-nudgings when the folk hanging round saw Gourlay coming forward; but he paid no heed. Gourlay, in spite of his mad violence when roused, was a man at all other times of a grave and orderly demeanour. He never splurged. Even his bluster was not bluster, for he never threatened the thing which he had not it in him to do.

Then there come a slack spell that lasted for a couple of weeks, and we didn't get hardly any mail at all, except from some crank out in Illinois that had splurged on a whole ten dollars' worth of shares, and wrote in about every other day wantin' to know when the dividends was goin' to begin comin' his way. I heard Miss Allen talkin' it over with Sweetie.

But though she splurged she gave way; and after she had fumed and fussed, heckled the maid and harried the man, said she didn't see as how she could, and she didn't think as how she would, sworn there was no bedding fit to use, and that she had no place for the things apples and onions chiefly that were in the spare room if she gave it up for the young lass's use, she seemed to quiet down, and going over to Leam, standing mutely by the black-boarded fireplace, put on her spectacles, peered up into her face, and said in shrill tones, rasping as a saw, though she meant to be kind, "Ah, well!

The next morning found a second epistle, apparently from a different source, on Moore's table. It was written in a fine, bold hand, and said: "LARRY: You splurged largely over a letter found on your desk yesterday. I see you have carried it to the newspapers. I want you to understand distinctly and without equivocation, if the bill you reported to the Senate becomes a law, you die.

"How hard have you splurged?" says I. "Had two sodas yesterday," says he, "and maybe I'll tackle one of them movin' picture shows to-morrow. I been aimin' to. It'd be all right, wouldn't it?" "Yes, I wouldn't call that any wild extravagance, with fifty thousand to draw on," says I. "How have you got it?" He fishes out an old wallet, unstraps it careful, and shoves over a cashier's check.

No military escort to the capitol, no decorations in the Assembly Chamber to speak of, no music, no anything that the occasion demanded." "Fuss and feathers never did appeal to Ross," said the guest. "Besides, I guess he thought the last administration had splurged enough for two." "Their fine plumage covered as slovenly housekeeping as I ever saw," interjected Mrs.

Michael family. The girl had disturbed a number of mothers whose sons were prone to slip out of the strict hereditary fold in directions where beauty or champagne was to be found; and the Cornerlys dined late, and had champagne. Miss Hortense had "splurged it" a good deal here, and the measure of her success with the male youth was the measure of her condemnation by their female elders.

In a moment he had slipped from one self to another, and was the blusterer once more. "Right!" he splurged. "Hover a blink till I light my cigar." He was not in the habit of smoking cigars, but he had bought a packet on purpose, that he might light one before his admiring onlookers ere he went away. Nothing like cutting a dash.

Then he splurged up and down the open water, and made fierce dashes among the grassy shallows, and seemed about to escape a dozen times. But at last his force was played out; he came slowly towards the boat, turning on his side, and I netted him in my hat. "Bully for us;" said the boy, "we got him! What a dandy!"