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I met 'im in de road, en I tuck 'n' tole 'im dey wuz a freshet in Murder Creek; but he des laugh at me, en he driv' in des like dey wa'n't no water dar; en den w'en he make his disappearance, I tuck 'n' splunge in atter 'im, en none too soon, n'er, kaze he got strucken on de head wid a log, an w'en I fotch 'im out, he 'uz all dazzle up like. Yit he ain't hurted much, Mistiss."

But atter 'w'ile de news come dat dere wuz a pon' er water some'rs in de naberhood, w'ich ef dey'd git inter dey'd be wash off nice en w'ite, en den one un um, he fine de place en make er splunge inter de pon', en come out w'ite ez a town gal.

"When they had got out into the middle of the channel, took the breeze, and was all under way, and we was about turnin' to go back, I saw the pony loose, he had slipped his bridle, and not likin' the motion of the vessel, he jist walked overboard, head fust, with a most a beautiful splunge. "'A most refreshin' time, said I, 'Elder, that critter has of it. I hope that sinner will be saved.

"When they had got out into the middle of the channel, took the breeze, and was all under way, and we was about turnin' to go back, I saw the pony loose, he had slipped his bridle, and not likin' the motion of the vessel, he jist walked overboard, head fust, with a most a beautiful splunge. "'A most refreshin' time, said I, 'Elder, that critter has of it. I hope that sinner will be saved.