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But the persistent defamer irritates even his friends. He offends the innate sense of patriotism and loyalty which slinks even in the breast of the rebel. The Duke noted with satisfaction the outward symptoms of Mr. Spinney's campaign; he was winning a following in those days of unrest. Through the columns of his newspapers the old politician exploited Mr.

A human voice was bellowing. It was Arba Spinney's voice a voice without words. Wasgatt, short, stout, habitually pop-eyed and nervous, clutched his papers in one hand and held his eyeglasses at arm's-length in the other. The others were in their chairs now, ranged about the sides of the room. The General, alone, was standing near the table.

I don't relish humor not now! I'm not in a humorous mood. You can see what it's costing blast that infernal band!" Mr. Spinney's serenaders had not had their fill of music. There was din outside. The tune, "A Hot Time in the Old Town To-night," won a grunt of approval from Mr. Wasgatt, still holding his documents, more pop-eyed than ever.

Spinney's dignified point of view, and, avoiding badinage or irony, evinced such an amiable interest in drawing her out that by the end of fifteen minutes she asked leave to show me the catalogue of her lectures, a proof of which she had just received from the printer.

Its deafening clamor beat in echoes between the high buildings, the mob was roaring huzzas. The bedlam blocked conversation. Thelismer Thornton pulled down the windows and twitched the curtains together. "Let 'em hoorah," he said. "With Spinney's band on tap, any fellows that try to listen at our keyholes will be bothered. I'm glad his band is out there.

Spinney's remarks, with the Duke of Fort Canibas, lord of the north country, present to listen. "I'm not ashamed of my platform. I'm willing to promulgate it. For I'm going to stand behind it.

The chairman of the convention, grim and pale and wondering just how much damage this overturn signified to his personal interests, nodded recognition to these speakers, and allowed them to waste their words upon the welter of mere sound. He also recognized other men who arose. He knew them for Spinney's adherents and divined what they were trying to say.

"No, by God, you haven't!" shouted the other, coming out of his lethargy of astonishment. The recollection of Spinney's sinister hints came to him. "What do you mean?" "I mean that a man who will fool and throw over a girl in a way that drives her away from home and friends is no fit escort " He got no further. He knew a thoroughly maddened and dangerous man when he saw one.

"You could brag some about a political safe-blowing, but we all have to turn to and hush up this sneak-thief work." Harlan, walking on, wondered whether the coup that was then in process of elaboration in State Committee headquarters would not be considered by Everett and his supporters as arising to the proper dignity of political crime. To his surprise Spinney's rooms were practically deserted.

And I know how to get the details to my friend Presson's daughter in time to spoil your ambition in that quarter. Now, how about that?" They were in one corner of the State-House lobby, and the presence of a hundred men about them probably saved Spinney from a beating there and then. Harlan quivered with rage. He did not grasp the full purport of Spinney's hints.