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"We may need our wits tonight, Tom. Suppose we both keep sober." "Man alive, I've been doing this for years. Brandy and brains are the same in my case. Keep me without it, and by bedtime I'm an invalid. Give me all I want of it, and I'm a crafty soldier-man." Dick Blaine refilled his pipe and watched for an opportunity.

His lips twitched and his eyes winked, but the look in his face was the look of a soldier-man. No intervention from the Doctor could shake his determination. With coaxing insinuation the Doctor said, "We haven't seen all the things, you know." Hope kindled in David's eyes. "Maybe," he said with enthusiasm, "maybe this costs more than three five centses. Does it?"

It's hard, this first parting. It's hard for me. You mustn't make it harder." "We've just begun to live, dearest," she faltered. "I can't let you go. I can't stand it for an hour and you'll be gone for days and days " She paused and sobbed. "Why did I marry a soldier-man?" "You had to, honey. It was fate. God willed it." He spoke with deep reverence. She lifted her lips for his goodbye kiss.

Little did I suppose that his ramrod body and frozen face would, in the end, step in between me and all my dearest wishes; that upon this precise, regular, icy soldier-man my fortunes should so nearly shipwreck! I never liked, but yet I trusted him; and though it may seem but a trifle, I found his snuff-box with the bean in it come very welcome.

The French farmer and his wife were pleasant bodies, nice and friendly to us, and glad no doubt to be able to sell their light beer and eggs to the English soldier-man. The other companies of the battalion were billeted in farm-houses near Meteren. In case of an attack by the Germans on the Corps front the battalion had orders to go forward and man the trenches on Kemmel Hill.

I love you all of you, as I have ever loved you though I did not know it till the other day that of the fight, and ever shall love you and I seek you for my wife. I know that I am only a rough soldier-man, full of faults, not holy and learned like Godwin.

A man with his back to us turned as we appeared, and I interrupted the custodian's learned discourse by crying out the name most sacred in the Abbey. "Mr. Douglas!" I exclaimed; for it was he the Douglas soldier-man who was so kind, taking us all round the castle at Carlisle.

He did not at all object to the name, which had filtered from regimental into common use. The crowd was always "Boys!" to him. He had a most amiable feeling towards it, were it ever so frowsy and undersized and sallow. But he loved a soldier-man, and could hardly bear to pass one in the street without stopping to speak to him.

Soldier-man, let us stay and see the show. We'll be awf'ly good!" "How preposterous you are, Dorothy!" answered Mrs. Wynyard. "Look! The people are taking to the sides of the room already, and the companies are forming. What astonishing method and precision there is to it all! Do you suppose each man has a little circle marked on the floor, to show just where he is to stand?"

It is utterly impossible to cuddle down and obey orders and go to sleep like a brave soldier-man. The more you try it the more squirmy and itchy you feel; for at such a time one is usually fretted by the repeated ticklings of some bothersome fly. He will sneak along the edge of the pillow and rub his hands together in front of him, and then he's ready.