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A few days before his death his physician recommended champagne for some internal trouble. "Champagne!" exclaimed Vanderbilt with a reproachful look, "I can't afford champagne. A bottle every morning! Oh, I guess sody water'll do!" From all accounts it would seem that he diffused about him the same forbidding environment in his own house.

John dubiously eyed the transparent fluid in his cup which might as easily have been tea, and commented: "You musta left out somethin'." Will made a wry face after filling it with half a pancake: "Gosh! But you throwed in the sody. They ain't fit fer a dog to eat. I can't go 'em."

He was a comical little cuss, an' it amused me a heap to see how excited he was. He splutered an' fizzed away like a leaky sody fountain, while the rest o' the tribe kept up a most infernal squawkin'.

After a moment's silence, Josie: "Oh, come on. Don't let's wait any longer. I don't think it's healthy to drink sody so soon before dinner, anyway." "And, besides, we only wanted to hear " Their voices with their footsteps diminished. Duncan allowed a prudent interval to elapse, entered the store and began to bestow the goods he had brought in. While he was at work the light failed.

De squinch owl shiver like he wanter go ter bed; Ho my Riley! but de gals en de boys, Des now gittin' so dey kin sorter make a noise. Hi my rinktum! let de yaller gal lone; Niggers don't hanker arter sody in de pone. Den it's hi my rinktum! Better try anudder plan; An' it's ho my Riley! Trot out Miss Dilsey Ann! Ho my Riley!

I had been stage-ridden and bewildered all day, and when we swept down with the darkness into the Arcadian hamlet of "Wingdam," I resolved to go no farther, and rolled out in a gloomy and dyspeptic state. The effects of a mysterious pie, and some sweetened carbonic acid known to the proprietor of the "Half-Way House" as "lemming sody," still oppressed me.

"Suppose there should be some ill result from it," said Silvia apprehensively. "Don't you worry!" exclaimed Huldah. "Most likely it won't amount to anything. It'll take some new kind of scabs to work in these brats. They're too tough to take anything. Come on now with me," she commanded, "and after it's done, I'll get you each an ice cream sody."

Eh, Thorn?" "Do you prefer to the er er Infant Phenomenon?" asked Castle, all eagerness. "The same precious infunt. She's a cooin' to herself over thar in them pines," Jim replied, and he started right in to explain: "As you see, Jedge, the precious flooid comes from the bowels of the earth, as full of silver as sody water of gas; and to think thet water is the mejum.

You'll be wanting a solid silver electric bell connecting with the sody fountain next." "That's straight," said Bannon. "We ought to have a stenographer for a fact." He said nothing until he had finished and sealed the two letters he was writing. They were as follows: DEAR MR. BROWN: It's a mess and no mistake. I'm glad Mr. MacBride didn't come to see it. He'd have fits.

You'll be wanting a solid silver electric bell connecting with the sody fountain next." "That's straight," said Bannon. "We ought to have a stenographer for a fact." He said nothing until he had finished and sealed the two letters he was writing. They were as follows: DEAR MR. BROWN: It's a mess and no mistake. I'm glad Mr. MacBride didn't come to see it. He'd have fits.