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And Azuma-zi was practically a savage still; the veneer of civilisation lay no deeper than his slop suit, his bruises, and the coal grime on his face and hands. His father before him had worshipped a meteoric stone, kindred blood, it may be, had splashed the broad wheels of Juggernaut. He took every opportunity Holroyd gave him of touching and handling the great dynamo that was fascinating him.

As some of us were without clothes except what we stood upright in, when we joined, the "slop chest" was opened, and every applicant received from the steward what Captain Slocum thought fit to let him have, being debited with the cost against such wages as he might afterwards earn. The clothes were certainly of fairly good quality, if the price was high, and exactly suited to our requirements.

If it be but right done, said my father, turning to the Section de sede vel subjecto circumcisionis, for he had brought up Spenser de Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus and Maimonides, in order to confront and examine us altogether. If it be but right done, quoth he: only tell us, cried my mother, interrupting him, what herbs? For that, replied my father, you must send for Dr. Slop.

By this time the dogs and men were upon the sands, and making for home, only a few rods away, but I took my time, walking slowly in order that the water should not slop over the tops of my boots, and we finally reached the beach and the house safely.

Slop; once as he was falling, and then again when he saw him seated. Ill-timed complaisance; had not the fellow better have stopped his horse, and got off and help'd him? Sir, he did all that his situation would allow; but the Momentum of the coach-horse was so great, that Obadiah could not do it all at once; he rode in a circle three times round Dr.

I took one full drink what is called in the vernacular of the bar room a "square" drink from the jug, and that, uniting with the saloon slop, made me a howling maniac. I have forgotten to mention that I got a quart of as raw and mean whisky in the saloon as was ever sold for the sum which I gave for it fifty cents.

"Let's!" cried Lizzie Fizzletree, "it's lots of fun, sloshin'." Into a big puddle marched Sammy Soapstone, and after him marched Lizzie and Sophy, and at the end of the procession waddled Fatty. "Slop, slosh, slop, slosh," they went through puddle after puddle. Glorious fun it was. Showers of spray flew all over the road. But Jehosophat walked on ahead in the middle of the road.

Not that he drank deeply himself, but he loved the warmth and company, and was too generous to others in the matter of treating. There was always a chorus of welcome for Paddy when he entered the bar. But to-night he was at home, busily engaged in putting a clumsy patch on his blue "slop" jacket, and he answered Dick's timid knock with a boisterous welcome.

At fashionable tables, men and women in gorgeous clothes, who speak four or five languages, actually rinse their mouths and gargle at the table, and then slop the water thus used back into these bowls. The first time I saw this I do assure you I would not have been more astonished if the next course had been stomach pumps. And as for the toothpick habit!

Modesty, said Slop, not a little elated with the success of his last thrust, If you won't hold the candle, and look you may hold it and shut your eyes: That's one of your popish shifts, cried Susannah: 'Tis better, said Slop, with a nod, than no shift at all, young woman; I defy you, Sir, cried Susannah, pulling her shift sleeve below her elbow.