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And she told what soft linen they had had at dinner, and pink bowls to rinse their hands, and a man in a red waistcoat to wait upon them. "Isn't she wonderful! Just like a lady born," said Jamie. John Hughson, a neighbor, took his pipe from his mouth and nodded open-mouth assent. "And she talks a little Spanish, and can dance!" "It's time such little tots were in bed," said Mrs.

"There is a great hope in it, too." Leslie was at her basin, now, turning the water faucet, to rinse and refill the little drinking-vessel. She handled the things quietly, but she made no pause. "It shows that, while we see the leaf, we may have hope of the fruit, in ourselves or in others." She could not see Leslie's face.

Dish up, and rinse the pot with a little stock, and pour it on the meat ready to serve. Take a calf's liver, lard it with fat bacon, braise it with the bourgeoise garnish carrots and turnips. After it is cooked and dished, stir some demi-glaze into the sauce, pour it on to the meat and garnish with potatoes chateau.

Queen of my tub, I merrily sing, While the white foam rises high, And sturdily wash and rinse and wring, And fasten the clothes to dry. Then out in the free fresh air they swing, Under the sunny sky. I wish we could wash from our hearts and souls The stains of the week away, And let water and air by their magic make Ourselves as pure as they.

Rising early in the morning, wash your face and hands, rinse out the mouth and cleanse the body. Then turn toward the province of Yamato, strike the palms of the hands together twice, and worship, bowing the head to the ground. The proper posture is that of kneeling on the heels, which is ordinarily assumed in saluting a superior.

If after the stump has sloughed there seems to be any protrusion, or indeed any ulcerated look about the naval, it is best to bathe the child on your lap. Wash, rinse, wipe and powder him, being careful to make every part absolutely clean and dry.

Maria backed out of the room with another violent "Oh, lor'!" and ran down to the kitchen. "I'll have to give notice," she said. "It's Miss Stephanotie; she's the most dazzlingly brilliant young lady I ever set eyes on; but mistress will never forgive me for eating that peppermint in her presence." "Rinse the mouth out, and take no notice," was the cook's somewhat heartless rejoinder.

Remember, however, the very important suggestion made in another chapter in reference to the value of fruit acid in cleansing the mouth and teeth. If you will rinse the mouth out at frequent intervals with the juice of an orange or eat part or all of an orange, you will be surprised at the cleansing influence of this acid fruit.

The same kind of distracting and misleading statements were made a few years ago regarding antiseptic mouth-washes, which were similarly condemned. Fortunately, we are passing out of these dark ages! Soon it will be regarded as quite as natural and necessary and desirable to cleanse the genital passages as to rinse out the mouth or wipe the nostrils.

Put each slice as cooked in a warm covered pan; when all are done, serve hot. Cut slices of ham quite thin, cut off the rind or skin, put them into a hot frying pan, turning them often until crisp, taking care not to burn the slices; three minutes will cook them well. Dish them on a hot platter; then turn off the top of the grease, rinse out the pan, and put back the clear grease to fry the eggs.