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He had 'slicked' his hair down with the fresh water; he had adjusted his neck-handkerchief, and borrowed an odd candle-end to polish his clogs with and there he sat, enforcing some opinion on her father, with a strong Darkshire accent, it is true, but with a lowered voice, and a good, earnest composure on his face. Her father, too, was interested in what his companion was saying.

"You ain't in any condition to talk business jest now till you're slicked off a little, elder," he began in tones of abject apology. "You bet your jeeroosly life I'm not!" cried the little man in a perfect frenzy of fury. Again Hiram opened his mouth agitatedly, and his eyebrows wrinkled in pained surprise.

Just look! ain't you glad yo' Uncle Bob slicked you up some, now you see what them ladies has done fo' to make this place tidy?" Shy children from the pine woods, big brothers with little sisters and big sisters with little brothers, drifted out of the encircling forest. Coincident with the arrival of the last of these stragglers Mrs. Ferris and Miss Malroy appeared, attended by a colored groom.

"They fixed this up when I was asleep," he stuttered. "Sprung it on me unawares. Me just out of a sick-bed, not shaved nor slicked up nor nothin'. 'Tain't fair! I ain't had no chance to think of anything to say. Made me speak first, too. How do I know what they're goin' to say after me? Tain't fair! I'm as good as any man here when I got my strength. Don't you listen to anything they say.

The night before the women had gone down, sedately dressed, to dinner. The girl she had tried to speak to had worn a sweater. So Edith dressed for dinner. She whitened her neck and arms with liquid powder, and slicked up her brown hair daringly smooth and flat. Then she put on her one evening dress, a black net, and pinned on her violets. She rouged her lips a bit too.

Here are two new suits of clothes shirts, socks, everything complete. They're Huck's no, no thanks, Huck Mr. Jones bought one and I the other. But they'll fit both of you. Get into them. We'll wait come down when you are slicked up enough." Then she left. HUCK said: "Tom, we can slope, if we can find a rope. The window ain't high from the ground." "Shucks! what do you want to slope for?"

Indeed, he was a very different-looking person from the boy that six months ago had mortified her by his appearance at her Easter party in "the classiest coat in the market." The propriety of his garments made her suspect that Uncle Ranny had had a hand in their selection. "And I like the way he's got his hair slicked back," she thought. "I wonder how he ever managed it?"

This dress is long enough, land knows, but that's about all you can say of it. However, I suppose we hadn't ought to to look a gift dress in the waistband." Supper was ready in the dining-room and thither they were piloted by Kenelm, whose hair, what there was of it, was elaborately "slicked down," and whose celluloid collar had evidently received a scrubbing.

His waving brown hair was slicked back from his square, placid brow, his wide, cowlike eyes shone with the glow of the common or domestic fire, his brown beard was neat, and his holiday clothes were clean. At Welton's invitation he sat, but bolt upright at the edge of a chair.

By eleven o'clock we had all the basement cleaned except the one cow-stall that was filled to the ceiling with litter; and Winnie had washed the windows. Then John Jones's lank figure darkened the doorway, and he cried, "Hello, neighbor, what ye drivin' at?" "Look around and see, and then tell us where to get a lot of chickens." "Well, I declare! How you've slicked things up!