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'And how did thy sister take it? asked Philip, eagerly. 'She died in a six-month, said William; 'she forgived him, but it's beyond me. I thought it were him when I heerd of t' work about Darley; Kinraid and coming fra' Newcassel, where Annie lived 'prentice and I made inquiry, and it were t' same man. But I'll say no more about him, for it stirs t' old Adam more nor I like, or is fitting.

Claire had been working over something on a table behind him. Now she came forward with a cold compress for his abraded scalp. Skillfully, she applied it, her dainty fingers wondrously deft. "Red Cross?" asked Brice, as she worked. "Just a six-month nursing course, during the war," she said, modestly, adding: "I didn't get across." "I'm sorry," said Gavin.

'And how did thy sister take it? asked Philip, eagerly. 'She died in a six-month, said William; 'she forgived him, but it's beyond me. I thought it were him when I heerd of t' work about Darley; Kinraid and coming fra' Newcassel, where Annie lived 'prentice and I made inquiry, and it were t' same man. But I'll say no more about him, for it stirs t' old Adam more nor I like, or is fitting.

After the meeting, Rama returned to his latest project: staging a national, six-month, six hundred and fifty thousand dollar "Zen" seminar promotional campaign. The effort included the placement of a two-page spread in the Sunday New York Times.

The best hope for fixing programming problems is to catch them when they happen, when there are clues to help in the search. The monthly trial balance is off why? What changed last month? A weird data situation? A new program? Modifications to an old program? But in this case, the accounts had drifted out of balance over a six-month period, nearly two years earlier.

May you be as happy in your new exalted station as you once made me imagine I was going to be! "Owing you, as I do, not only my life but my fortune as well, for my mines are now in bonanza, I confess to even a greater indebtedness: you gave me a six-month of the only happiness I have ever known.

The entrance requirements were simple; a fair high school education, with Latin and Greek sufficient for the understanding of medical terms. For graduation, at least three years' study with a reputable physician was required; but this might include the two six-month courses of lectures which comprised the work of the Department.

The gist of it all is that my Lord Governor and my very good intendant can never agree, save upon one point or so. They want more money, and they want more soldiers ah, yes, to be sure, they also want more women, though we sent them out a ship load of choice beauties not more than a six-month ago. But tell me, Monsieur L'as, is it indeed true that you have traveled in America?"

The sea was starting to congeal everywhere. Numerous blackish patches were spreading over its surface, announcing the imminent formation of fresh ice. Obviously this southernmost basin froze over during its six-month winter and became utterly inaccessible. What happened to the whales during this period? No doubt they went beneath the Ice Bank to find more feasible seas.

But that was only a side line of activity. It had gone right on with its main business. Other men had been sent at once into the hills with what seemed like liberal offers for six-month options on all the lands which the railroad coveted. They had gotten hold of discouraged families who had not yet begun to rebuild. The offer of any little money was welcome to these.