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Not that I haven't picked up a lot of noos, and got some very interesting sidelights on high politics. But the thing I was after wasn't to be found on my beat, for those that knew it weren't going to tell. In that kind of society they don't get drunk and blab after their tenth cocktail. So I guess I've no contribution to make to quieting Sir Walter Bullivant's mind, except that he's dead right.

Alicia hastened to "lend" her to the fullest extent, and she spent hours with Miss Filbert contriving and arranging, a kind of conductor of her mistress's beneficence. It became plain that Laura preferred the conductor to the source, and they stitched together while she, with careful reserves, watched for the casual sidelights upon modes and manners that came from the lips of the maid.

It was the incidental sidelights the story threw upon his own nature and the somewhat lurid surroundings amid which he had moved. On one occasion when we were out together we killed a bear, and after skinning it, took a bath in a lake. I noticed he had a scar on the side of his foot and asked him how he got it, to which he responded with indifference: "Oh, that?

"The Dictator" is bright, sparkling, and entertaining. The book might almost be described as a picture of modern London. It abounds in vivid and picturesque sidelights, drawn with a strong touch. Leeds Mercury. 'In "The Dictator" the genial leader of the Irish party writes as charmingly as ever.

The motives that swayed the characters were beyond their comprehension; the fates that shifted them were gods they had never met; the sidelights Mrs. Cloke threw on act and incident were more amazing than anything in the record. Therefore the Chapins listened delightedly, and blessed Mrs. Shonts. "But why why why did So-and-so do so-and-so?"

The other day I had been yarning under the bridge with one of the engineers, and he must have heard us. When I came up to take my watch, he steps out of the chart-room and has a good look all round, peeps over at the sidelights, glances at the compass, squints upward at the stars. That's his regular performance.

Although human authority and prejudice have hindered the translators from translating the Greek word, and thus telling us what it means in English, the contexts and sidelights on the subject make its meaning so plain that all can readily see it if divested of prejudice and preconceived ideas.

Historians, interested in the French revolution, might get some valuable sidelights from Miss Odette Tyler's idea of it. The actress herself has an agreeable personality and considerable ability. The other "star" to whom I have fitfully alluded Miss Eugenie Blair has much vogue outside of New York.

I have come to see that the real knowledge of the relations between countries in matters of public policy is to be gained at country houses and dinner tables, and not in diplomatic correspondence; in brief, that when we know the men and the currents of opinion, we know more than foreign ministers can tell us; and your letters give me, in a thoroughly dignified way, just the sidelights that are necessary to illuminate the picture.

McCarthy; and this novel abounds in vivid and picturesque sidelights, drawn with a strong and simple touch. Leeds Mercury. 'This is a pleasant and entertaining story.... A book to be read by an open window on a sunny afternoon between luncheon and tea. Daily Chronicle. 'Mr. McCarthy's story is pleasant reading. Scotsman. 'As a work of literary art the book is excellent. Glasgow Herald.