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He felt like the author to whose ears is borne the ominous sibilance of the pit. He almost wished he had not followed the curtain-raiser with his own stronger drama. Unconsciously the police, scattered about the hall, drew together. The people on the platform knew not what to do. They had all risen and stood in a densely packed mass. Even Mr.

The dead quiet that followed the sharp extinction of that hubbub was as startling as the detonation of high explosive had been. Through this sudden stillness the submarine slipped stealthily, the hissing beneath her bows dying down to gentle sibilance. From forward the calls of an invisible leadsman were audible.

Now and then it barked spitefully, had half a notion to stop, changed its mind, ran faster than it should, wheezed and slowed down acting in an altogether unreasonable way. But it kept the screw humming nevertheless. Fortunately it was going at a mad clip when we sighted the Dauphin. There was not that sibilance and thunder that had turned me a bit gray inside at first sight of the Eagle.

Occasioning a sort of rustling sound a faint sibilance indescribably loathsome the creatures gray and black and red darted off along the passage. One by one, as we proceeded, they crept into holes and crevices of the ancient walls, sometimes singly, sometimes in pairs the pairs locked together in deadly embrace. "They cannot live long in this cold atmosphere," cried Smith.

Through the foggy nights, a muffled intermittent booming went on under the wild scurrying stars. Now and then a staccato crackling ran up the icy reaches of the river, like the sequent bickering of Krags down a firing line. Long seams opened in the disturbed surface, and from them came a harsh sibilance as of a line of cavalry unsheathing sabres.

Odd to state, she, too, just then had no recollection of any such being as Ed Sorenson, which was the extreme of unloverliness. "Before I do go, I've something to tell you," she said hurriedly, dropping her voice. "It's this: the dead man's name was" here her tone went down to a mere sibilance "Pete Ortez."

On the threshold he paused a little, attentive to the familiar rumour of the ship by night: the prolonged sloughing of riven waters down the side, gnashing of swells hurled back by the bows, sibilance of draughts in alleyways, groaning of frames, a thin metallic rattle of indeterminate origin, the crunching grind of the steering gear, the everlasting deep-throated diapason of the engines, somewhere aft in that tier of staterooms a persistent human snore ... nothing unusual, no alarming discordance....

She laughed, a mirthless sibilance that was marvelously like a snake's hissing, her eyes hard and dry. "I had a brother, an only one, Rafael. He was very dear to me and loved me greatly. He was, of the mine what do you name it, the one who holds and pays the monies? Ah, mil gracias! the 'treasurer. He was of the lively the liveliest and played much at the cards.

She paused, and with a sudden instinctive movement Sara grasped Selwyn's arm, while the sharp sibilance of her quick-drawn breath cut across the momentary silence. "No," Elisabeth repeated. "Maurice ought never to have been cashiered. He was absolutely innocent of the charge against him. The real offender was Geoffrey . . . my husband.

Presently the doctor looked in, studied the situation in silence, held a minute's whispered colloquy with the nurse, then moved to Richard's side. The young man looked up at him and he nodded. He bent to Richard's ear. "Things look different," he whispered succinctly. At the slight sibilance of the whisper the old man opened his eyes again.