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There was a sinister smile on his lips, as his eyes wandered over the faces of the foreign consuls-general. The look he turned on the intriguers of the Palace was repellent; he reserved for Sharif a moody, threatening glance, and the desperate hakim shrank back confounded from it.

Nahoum could not be seen. Nahoum was gone, as were also Sharif and his confederates, and in the lofty Mosque of Mahmoud soft lights were hovering, while the Sheikh-el-Islam waited with Koran and scimitar for the ruler of Egypt to pray to God and salute the Lord Mahomet. At the great gateway in the Street of the Tent Makers Kaid paused on his way to the Mosque Mahmoud.

Have I not waited like a dog at thy door these many years, till that time would come when none could heal thee save Sharif?" "What canst thou give me?" "What the infidel physician gave thee not I can give thee hope. Hast thou done well, oh, Effendina, to turn from thine own people? Did not thine own father, and did not Mehemet Ali, live to a good age? Who were their physicians?

Such is Maskat as it exists to-day, a spot which has had a varied history in the past, and the future of which will be equally interesting to those who have any connection with the Persian Gulf. Surveyed by Imam Sharif, Khan Bahadur. to illustrate the explorations of M^r. Stanford's Geog.^l Estab.^t, London

"Be patient with me, most honourable," he went on, in strained tones. "I come to you serving a strange master. The record I tell now, is truly your right to know." "Have no fear; we serve with you!" Kudrat Sharif reassured him. "Some months after this elephant was trapped," he continued, "they had him picketed in the working grounds to learn the voices of men.

His wife required a tonic, so we got out some citrate of iron and quinine, a bright, shiny, greenish-yellow, flaky thing, which Imam Sharif assured us would be more beneficial and better liked if shown and admired as gold; so after some conversation about pious frauds, I packed the medicine up neatly and wrote in ornamental letters 'Golden Health Giver, and this name being explained and translated gave great satisfaction.

Dickson's eyes turned on a little fellow who stood alone, further down the verandah. Then his face shadowed, as he spoke in a lower tone: "I said he's not abnormal that should be qualified. Several years ago he was carried home from the Chief Commissioner's elephant stockades by their governing mahout, Kudrat Sharif.

Kudrat Sharif smiled with frank affection on the boy, as he drew his right hand away, to touch his forehead in the Indian salaam. The gesture showed both grace and dignity as Dickson Sahib had said. "I am exalted to carry back to my stockades the story of the manner of your work, Son-of-Power," he began. "My name is Sanford Hantee," Skag deprecated gently.

Kudrat Sharif is a graceful man, with much dignity; but I always felt he held something in reservation." "What about Nut Kut?" Skag asked. "Nut Kut is a great black elephant, trapped in the Vindha Hills only a few years ago. He's young and I've heard he's a dangerous fighter. My son likes him; but I can't get over believing he's responsible for the high nerve tension the boy always carries.

Sharif hath, with others, made a plot which hath enough powder in it to shake Egypt, and toss thee from thy high place into the depths. There is a Christian an Armenian, as it chances; but he was chosen because he was a Christian, and for that only. His name is Rahib. He is a tent-maker. He had three sons. They did kill an effendi who had cheated them of their land.