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There are two small silver casseroles, with chi- selled handles, in the museum of Avignon, that struck me as among the most charming survivals of anti- quity.

Ye're a gentleman, sir, and should ken a horse's points; ye see that through ganging thing that Balmawhapple's on; I selled her till him. She was bred out of Lick-the-ladle, that wan the king's plate at Caverton-Edge, by Duke Hamilton's White-Foot, etc., etc., etc.

He's a growin' thinner and thinner every minute, and Snatchet be that starvin' he could eat another mut bigger'n himself." The girl made no answer to this, but tucked Squeaky's pink nose under the blue-shirted arm and sat mute. Flukey, encouraged, went on. "Nobody'd buy Snatchet he's only a poor, damn, shiverin' cuss." "If we selled Prince Squeaky, some'un'd eat him," mourned Flea.

I did that kind of work till after a while the white people got so they rented the colored people land and selled them mules for their work. Then some worked on shares and some rented and worked for theirselves. Right after the war most of the farms were worked on shares. We were lucky to be able to get to work by the month. Schooling "I went to school in Natchaz, Mississippi.

Never man could tell me how to shape that process no counsel that ever selled mind could condescend and say whether it were best to proceed by way of petition and complaint, AD VINDICTAM PUBLICAM, with consent of his Majesty's advocate, or by action on the statute for battery PENDENTE LITE, whilk would be the winning my plea at once, and so getting a back-door out of court.

An' they tell me, him and his women gat the ship safely into port, and the folk shooted, 'Bravo, Jimmy Stone! They said he was a hard swearer, but a brave, clever fellow, and aa said when aa hard it, 'Whaat aboot the dog? The ship was selled, and Jimmy gat summit whaat de they caal it salvage, aa think. They say he's worth lots o' money." "But whaat did they say aboot the dog?" said Tom.

'After a bit I catched the keeper hisself and the policeman at it; and there be another as knows it, and who do you think that be? It be the man in town as got the licence to sell game as haves most of my hares; the keeper selled he a lot as the money never got to my lard's pocket and the steward never knowed of. Look at that now!

But the huntsman guides a' as he likes about the stable-yard, and he's selled the best o' the litter, I'se warrant.

With the younger generation, however, who were quicker than their elders in absorbing new ideas and new codes of social convention, "Mary that was selled for sixpence" was a name that aroused curiosity, and sometimes derision.

You ask me to turn out of the house the mither that bore me, the mither that learnt me 'The Lord's my Shepherd, the mither that wore her fingers near the bone that I might gang to the college, that selled her bit plenishin' that my manse micht be furnished! Ye ask me to show her to the door I'll show you to the door!" an' to the door they gaed! "Weel done! That was my ain Allan!" cried I.