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"Why, you speak what looks white this way, and black that way; gay one way, and dull another way: you tell him it is a good wall to keep out Tartars; you tell me, by that, it is good for nothing but to keep out Tartars; or, will keep out none but Tartars. I understand you, Seignior Inglese, I understand you," said he, joking; "but Seignior Chinese understand you his own way."

I want no other proof of his sentiments than the offer he made to give up Egypt to the Grand Seignior, and to restore all the ports of the Gulf of Venice and of the Mediterranean to the States to which they had previously belonged; to surrender Malta to the order of the Knights of St. John, and even to raze its fortifications if England should think such a measure necessary for her interests.

It is remarkable that, at the commencement of his narrative, the Cardinal had expressed his ignorance of the name of the seignior who was hatching all this treason, while at the end of it he gave a local habitation to the plot in the palace of Egmont.

The Grand Seignior now rises from his seat, drops his gavel and explains the mysteries of the initiation, giving him another dose of secession, about as much as the poor fellow can carry; tells him how to challenge a brother, concluding by giving the grand sign of distress, which is by raising the right hand and calling out "Ocoon" three times, which he says is made up of the name of Calhoun, whose name is mentioned with great reverence.

She is carried into Corfu. Of course all our letters by her are destroyed, and our friends will suffer much anxiety until the arrival of Capel, who could not get there before the 20th of last month. The grand Seignior declared war against the French the 1st of last month. He did not receive the Admiral's official account of the action until the 6th ult.

His vanity of high rank and of distinguished military service made him covet the highest place under the Crown, while his hatred of those by whom he considered himself defrauded of his claims, converted him into a malcontent. He had no sympathy with the people, but he loved, as a grand Seignior, to be looked up to and admired by a gaping crowd.

Scar. My Mistress here! Mop. Hold, Gentlemen, do not worry me. Which of you wou'd speak with me? Both. I, I, I, Madam Mop. Both of you? Both. No, Madam, I, I. Mop. If both Lovers, you are both welcome; but let's have fair Play, and take your turns to speak. Har. Ay, Seignior, 'tis most uncivil to interrupt me. Scar. And disingenuous, Sir, to intrude on me. Mop. Let me then speak first. Har.

In thousands of small, poor, remote communes, he was the only man who could readily read and write; none other than he in many of the larger rural communes, except the resident seignior and some man of the law or half-way schoolmaster, was at all learned.

This rule, and a correspondent practice, are observed from the Grand Seignior down to the most petty prince or republic in Europe. You have sent me several papers, some in print, some in manuscript. I think I had seen all of them, except the formula of association.

They might as well say I was a horse-stealer or a housebreaker. I vow if I hear any man say so, I'll have his ears!" "I have read, sir, that the Grand Seignior of Turkey has bushels of ears sometimes sent in to him," says Mr. Sampson, laughing. "If you took all those that had heard scandal against you or others, what basketsful you would fill!"