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One rope moved both punkahs, and the motive power was supplied by a coolie who, salaaming to the sahibs and seating himself on the ground, picked up the end of the rope and began to pull. Raymond put out the lamp. Wargrave stared up at the moon for a while. Then he said: "I say, Ray; didn't Mrs. Norton look lovely to-night? Didn't that dress suit her awfully well?" "Oh, go to sleep, old man.

The officer stroked it and then turned to the mahout, who was standing in the background. "Chand Khan, you are not to come near this elephant again," he said. "I suspend you from charge of it and shall report you for dismissal. Jao! The man slunk away scowling. Dermot beckoned to the Hindu, who approached salaaming. "Are you this animal's coolie?" The Hindu salaamed again.

Your Majesty, speak," he added, salaaming before Pundita. She looked wildly about the room, vainly striving to read the faces of her white friends; but their expressions were like stone images. No help there, no guidance. "Is the life of a decrepit old man," asked Lal Singh, "worth the lives of these white people who love and respect you?"

With this announcement, he threw open a door, and stood salaaming that we might file in before him. Mamma pitched forward down a step, shrieked, tottered, saved herself by clawing the air, while Maida and I both pitched after her, falling into fits of laughter. It could n't have been colder in the spotty man's family vault, and I hope not as musty.

What he said of myself I am not going to repeat; but it was salaaming all round, with the liquor good, and fun bang over the bulwarks. How is Roscoe? I didn't see as much of him as you did, but I liked him. Take my tip for it, that woman will make trouble for him some day. She is the biggest puzzle I ever met.

He gazed at the latter hungrily. Oh, for just a sporting chance to be free even in the midst of his enemies with that in his hand! A shadow fell across the entrance, and he saw the rifle no more. He saw the two Wari sentinels salaaming profoundly, and he began to wonder who the newcomer might be a personage of some importance apparently.

The khansamah would appear to be the only functionary in residence until the hour of departure draws near, when a whole party of underlings chowkidars, bheesties, and sweepers appear from nowhere in particular; and the lordly traveller, having presented them with about twopence apiece, rolls off along the dusty white road, leaving the khansamah and his myrmidons salaaming on the verandah.

What he said of myself I am not going to repeat; but it was salaaming all round, with the liquor good, and fun bang over the bulwarks. How is Roscoe? I didn't see as much of him as you did, but I liked him. Take my tip for it, that woman will make trouble for him some day. She is the biggest puzzle I ever met.

To see the fellows salaaming to the very ground as I came across the parade! what are you doing to my frock, Captain Demeré?" he broke off, suddenly. "It's just right. Odalie fixed it herself." "Don't scuffle up these frills so," Captain Demeré objected. "Mrs. MacLeod is wont to wear her frock precisely." "Did O'Flynn mistake you for Mrs.

"The Sahib shall be obeyed!" said Ram Lal, salaaming to the ground, and he was happy at heart as he glided out of the garden. A ferocious smile of coming triumph gleamed in his dark face. "I have him now! He will never slip away in the night! But I must please him, and lie to him!" It was the chance for which he had vainly waited there many years, and Ram Lal prayed to great Bowaaee to aid him.