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"Well, it warn't for many minutes, Master Tom." "An hour." "Nay, sir, nay; not a 'our." "Quite, David; and I wouldn't wake you. I say, don't be a sham. You did oversleep yourself." "Well, I s'pose I did, sir, just a little." "And now what would you say if I told you that Pete has been and carried off all the pears?"

Well, old man, you're here to colleck, I s'pose. Take what's in sight; 'tain't none of it yourn, far's I know, but anything you claim you kin have, fer all me. I've lived honest all my days an' worked fer what I got. I've harbored thieves in my old age and trusted them that wa'n't fit to be trusted. I've allus paid my debts, Seabeck. I'm willin' to pay now fer bein' a fool." "W-where's Charlie?"

"Don't be squaw, Bourdon tell all by'em bye. Tell young men s'pose he get canoe, den he may get OUR canoe, and carry 'em off s'pose he swim; dat Chippewa devil swim down stream and get OUR canoe dat fashion bess go back, some of you, and see arter OUR canoe dat what he tell young men most."

I'll get the magazines right away. That's the most I CAN do for you, I s'pose," she flung over her shoulder, as she hurried into the house. Mrs. Colebrook had been a member of the Burton household a day less than two weeks when she confronted her brother in the studio with this terse statement: "Daniel, either Susan or I leave this house tomorrow morning. You can choose between us."

Then what should happen, but that at the far end of the pond, up rose old dog Percival, laughing as hard as he could laugh. "I told you I would make waves!" he cried, and how do you s'pose he did it?

The New England constraint, to which he had been born, was to him as a shell of defence and decency, and these men had had a glimpse of him outside it. He was horribly ashamed. "S'pose they think I'm crazy," he reflected. "Want to stop the star shining?" repeated John Jennings. "Well, you can." Jerome, in astonishment, forgot his shame, and looked up into the man's beautiful, cavernous eyes.

D' y' s'pose I was goin' to lose out on a little thing like that 'cause of regulations? And 'specially after the officer of the deck goes inside the bulkhead to give me a chance? "'He didn't go inside to give you any chance, says the admiral's yeoman. 'That was to write a message to the skipper. " Sho-oo boy bubbles! He was young enough, was Mr.

"Neither do I," said Patricia, "but I know that's the way you looked." "I can't unbutton this top button of my coat," remarked Arabella. Patricia jerked the button from the buttonhole, and continued: "How do you s'pose I like to have you act so queer, and then have the girls call you my 'chum'?"

"He must o' been a walking correspondence school," said Archer, unfolding the contents of the parchment envelope. "Herre's a list all in German. Herre's some poetry or I s'pose it's poetry, 'cause it's printed all in and out." "Maybe it's a hymn of hate," said Tom. "Herre's a map, and herre's a letter. All in Gerrman even the map. Anyway, I can't understand it."

"He was such a lovely specimen," she mourned. "I s'pose maybe he was valuable." "I tell you what to do, Sarah," said Mr. Oliver quickly. "You don't know Mr. Martin, do you? He teaches biology in the high school and I must take you up to his room some day and let you see the 'specimens' he has. He has a menagerie that fills one side of a large room.