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And for this purpose it is hereby required that such vessels first enter the port of Cape Francois or Port Republicain, in the said island, and there obtain the passports of the said Government, which shall also be signed by the consul-general or consul of the United States residing at Cape François or Port Republicain, permitting such vessel to go thence to the other ports and places of the said island hereinbefore mentioned and described.

The morning after this I went ashore at daylight, and, guided by the sound of military music, proceeded to the Place Republicain, or square before President Petion's palaces where I found eight regiments of foot under arms, with their bands playing, and in the act of defiling before General Boyer who commanded the arrondissement.

The dinner was served in the "Grand Salle des Fêtes" and the music which accompanied the repast was furnished by the band of the Garde Republicain, beginning with the national anthem of America and finishing with that of France. Never had a private citizen, a foreigner, been so received by the first magistrate of France.

To the Federalists his progress from the tobacco-fields to the Elysian Heights of office was but another burning sign of the degeneracy of the times and the tendencies of Jefferson. On the other hand, the Republicans quoted the Rights of Man and the Declaration of Independence, and made the name of Lewis Rand as symbolic as a liberty pole. He was bon enfant, bon Républicain.

"It was not until the commencement of 1835, I think," said Marrast, "that Ministers opened a general onslaught upon the Parisian press. 'Le Républicain' was interdicted that year. It was then, too, that the laws against public criers and newspaper hawkers were instituted.

La Republique est essentiellement prodigue parce que, toute la machine gouvernementale reposant sur l'election, les ministres sont obliges de donner aux deputes des places innombrables pour satisfaire la foule encore plus nombreuse de leurs agents electoraux, et de permettre des travaux, des depenses exageres dans chaque arrondissement, ici pour favoriser le depute republicain, la pour nuire au depute conservateur.

"Ah! but yes!" he said to me, in a parting visit he paid me the night before I started. "You cannote deceives me, my youngish friends! Lamartine was un republicain, he? Bien, he go un voyage en Orient; you, my dears Meestaire Lorton, are going to walk on a voyage en Ouest dat is vraisemble. Ha! ha!

Domingo; and for this purpose it is hereby required that such vessels first clear for and enter the port of Cape Français or Port Republicain, in the said island, and there obtain the passports of the said Government, which shall also be signed by the consul-general of the United States, or their consul residing at Cape Français, or their consul residing at Port Republicain, permitting such vessels to go thence to the other ports and places of the said island.

One French frigate, the Brutus, was a razeed 64-gun ship, and now carried 46 guns. Then there were the Incorruptible, of 32 guns; the Magicienne, of 36; the Republicain, of 28; and the two corvettes, of 22 guns each. On we stood. Whatever the enemy did, we were not to fire till we got close up to them. There were to be no long shots with us.

It shall be lawful for vessels which shall enter the said ports of Cape François and Port Republicain after the 31st day of July next to depart from thence to any other port in said island between Monte Christi on the north and Petit Goave on the west; provided it be done with the consent of the Government of St.