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Somehow or other, his hands came from behind him, and rested on her head. There! That's all. Dr. Renton surrendered at discretion! One of the solid men of Boston was taken after a desperate struggle, internal, of course, for he kissed her, and said, "Dear little Netty!" and so she was.

In the chief street of Portage la Drome men would stop their trafficking and women nudge each other when she passed, and wherever she went she stirred interest, excited admiration, or aroused prejudice but the prejudice did not matter so long as her father, Joel Renton, lived.

The event of which I have presently to deal came off on Hampden Park on the 12th May, 1888, and ended in favour of the Renton, as has already been indicated, by four to none. The Cambuslang men played well at the start, and a close match was expected.

And he saw clearly for the first time what it was that he would have to go through. He left the village and went up to Renton Moor and walked along the top for miles, without knowing or caring where he went, and seeing nothing before him but his own act and what must come afterwards.

He went out at once with his letter, though he knew that the post did not leave Renton for another five hours. It was the sliding of this light thing and its fall into the letter-box that shook him into realization of what he had done and of what was before him. He knew now why he was in such a hurry to write that letter and to post it.

Russell held out bravely for a time, but was eventually cornered, and, in the second half particularly, "lost his head," and allowed the Renton men to get up to Dunn too often. In some of the smaller matches of the club he played brilliantly, but did not really rise to the occasion in this memorable cup tie, and in most of the tackling came off second best. ~John Gourlay.~

Down the Back Lane and through the gap in the lower fields, along the flagged path to the Bottom Lane and through the Rathdale fields to the river. Over the stepping stones. She took the stones at a striding run. He followed, running and laughing. Up the Rathdale fields to Renton Moor. Not up the schoolhouse lane, or on the Garthdale Road, or along the fields by the beck.

It seemed to him that a voice had cried clearly, yet as from afar, "Charles Renton!" his own name. He had heard it in his startled mind; but then, he knew he was in a highly wrought state of nervous excitement, and his medical science, with that knowledge for a basis, could have reared a formidable fortress of explanation against any phenomenon, were it even more wonderful than this.

The ghost still watched from the angle of the room, and seemed to darken, while its features looked troubled. "But, father," said Netty, a little tremulously, "I wouldn't let my houses to such people. It's not right; is it? Why, it's horrid to think of men getting drunk, and killing each other!" Dr. Renton rubbed his hair into disorder, with vexation, and then subsided into solemnity.

It took the worn-out, exhausted men a long time to haul alongside and despatch the struggling monster, which, says Renton, was ten feet in length. Then followed shark's flesh and shark's blood, some of the former, after the first raw meal, being cooked on a fire made of the biscuit barge upon a wet blanket spread in the bottom of the boat.