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In either case, however, if the condemned person is pardoned by the grace of the Emperor, he recovers all his former rights. 2 Relegation to an island does not extinguish paternal power, whether it is the parent or the child who is relegated. 3 Again, a father's power is extinguished by his becoming a 'slave of punishment, for instance, by being condemned to the mines or exposed to wild beasts.

If the seducer be of reputable condition, the punishment is confiscation of half his fortune; if a mean person, flogging and relegation. 5 The lex Cornelia on assassination pursues those persons, who commit this crime with the sword of vengeance, and also all who carry weapons for the purpose of homicide.

This skepticism went far to procure the exclusion of the suspected works from the canon and their relegation to the class of the genuzim. But it did not prevail. Hananiah, son of Hezekiah, son of Garon, about 32 B.C., is said to have reconciled the contradictions and allayed the doubts. But these traces of resistance to the fixity of the canon were not the last.

The relegation of love to the background in these novels which happen to be his masterpieces was caused by something mentioned in a preceding chapter, to wit, that Balzac never thoroughly felt or understood love as a great and noble passion.

Now when this mercantile class saw itself being far overtopped and outclassed in the only measurement to which it attached any value that of property by men with vast riches and power, it began to feel its relegation.

His having taken the same great step in the same free way had not in the least involved the relegation of his daughter.

The evidence before us leads inevitably to the conclusion that there is nothing in the mental constitution, or in the moral nature of the South African Native, to warrant his relegation to a place of inferiority in the land of his birth, but the same evidence also leads to the conclusion that the racial antipathy which prevails to-day will remain unaffected by this admission, seeing that this racial animosity is caused not by alleged mental disparity but by unalterable physical difference between the two races.

Cooper remarked to an audience of Hordle and Mary Fisher, reinforced by the Napoleonic Patch and his wife who happened to have looked in from the stables after supper some freedom of speech being permissible, thanks to the under-servants' relegation to the kitchen. "I never could see she was any class myself. But the airs and graces she'd give herself!

Bennington became very impatient indeed, but he tackled Le Conte industriously, and did well enough until he tried to get it into his head why various things happen to glaciers. Then viscosity, the lines of swiftest motion, relegation, and directions of pressure came forth from the printed pages and mocked him. He arose in his might and went forth into the open air.

A few years later it was recognized as an accepted mode of propulsion and had gained a permanent and definite place in the practice of the day, a place which has continued to grow in importance until its earlier rival, the paddle-wheel, is almost on the brink of relegation to museums of antiquities, except possibly for rare and special shallow-water uses.