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Then, vision within a vision dream within a dream there was a view of the Via Appia, with gaunt grim gallows set along it in a row and on them a regiment's commander crucified along with the remnant of his men. "So Rome treats traitors!" said a voice, that might have been either man's.

sit down' 'if it is ze same to you, I prefer to stand' 'good; zen I examine you. My motto: 'Time opens ze gates: my system: 'it is your doctor of regiment's system when your twelve, fifteen, forty recruits strip to him: 'Ah! you, my man, have varicose vein: no soldier in our regiment, you! So on. Perhaps I am not intelligible; but, hear zis.

The thunder of guns was clearly audible from the north-east. The D.A.A.G. turned to me and said, "It's Hill 60 again. My old regiment's up there. And to-morrow the casualty returns will come in. Good God! will it never end?" PARQUET du Tribunal de Ière Instance d'Ypres At last I had found it. I had spent a mournful morning at Ypres seeking out the procureur du roi, and I had sought in vain.

He was silent for ten minutes, and King sat still beside him, letting memory of other days do its work memory of the long, clean regimental lines, and of order and decency and of justice handed out to all and sundry by gentlemen who did not think themselves too good to wear a native regiment's uniform. "In two days I could do the drill again as well as ever," he said at last.

"Yes," said Bucci, "and I am a Colonel, and I have some decorations too, but I don't wear them on my nighty, and I want to go to sleep." He had been in Gorizia before Caporetto, and had kept, as a melancholy souvenir, the maps showing the line of his own Regiment's retreat. "I call it the Via Crucis," he said. "I want to go back.

Tell him we will march toward Gallipoli or nowhither! We will march until opposite Gallipoli, and search for some means of crossing." "I will take that as Gooja Singh's message, then," said I. "Nay, nay!" said he. "That is the regiment's message!" And the dozen men with whom he had been whispering nodded acquiescence. "Is Gooja Singh the regiment?" I asked.

Foster read them slowly, his eyes lighting up as he did so. "Looks as if it was true," said he. "Let me see! Fort . Yes, that's the th infantry. Two of their boys were killed at Sidney last summer by some of the same gang, and the regiment's sworn vengeance. Major, if this story's on the square, that crowd's goose is cooked, and don't you forget it! I say, you must give me a hand in."

"We lowered him to rest, Jenny Orde, With your picture on his breast, Jenny Orde, And the rumble of pursuit was the regiment's salute To the man that loved you best, Jenny Orde." As a dam breaking gives free passage to the imprisoned waters, and they rush out victoriously, so Vicksburg, starving and crumbling in the West, was about to open her gates and set the Father of Waters free forever.

If he doesn't, ye'll go to the Military Orphanage at the Regiment's expense. I'll allow him three days' grace, though I don't believe it at all. Even then, if he fails in his payments later on ... but it's beyond me. We can only walk one step at a time in this world, praise God! An' they sent Bennett to the Front an' left me behind. Bennett can't expect everything. 'Oah yess, said Kim vaguely.

A dull round white spot was clasped on the left breast of his coat. "Mr. Locke," said the small boy, staring with admiration, "is that your glorious Waterloo medal?" "You're a good little lad!" He stooped to let me see the noble pewter. "War's declared against Rooshia, and now it's right to show it. The old regiment's sailed, and my only son is with the colors."