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The nucleus of the so-called -leges regiae- was probably not much more recent. These were certain precepts chiefly of a ritual nature, which rested upon traditional usage, and were probably promulgated to the general public under the form of royal enactments by the college of pontifices, which was entitled not to legislate but to point out the law.

Even here, he produces a few illustrations of his meaning, that it may appear the better what is, and whether it be extant. 'And therefore we see, that Plautus maketh it a wonder to see an OLD man beneficent. St. Sallust noteth that it is usual with KINGS to desire contradictories; "Sed plerumque, regiae voluntates, ut vehementes sunt sic mobiles saepeque ipsae sibi adversae."

The earliest Roman laws were the "Leges Regiae," which were collected and codified by Sextus Papirius, and were hence called the Papirian code; but these were rude and unconnected simply a collection of isolated enactments. They exhibited the first attempt at regular system, and embodied not only legislative enactments, but legal principles.

It is not claimed that there is much ornamental architecture to be found in these Cotswold buildings; it is something in these days if we can boast that there is nothing to offend the eye in a district which is less than a hundred miles from London. There is no other district of equal extent within the same radius of which as much could be said. "Jam pauca aratro jugera regiae Moles relinquent."

It is true that in the very early leges regiae some notion of this kind is seen a significant glimpse of what the original relation may have been: it is there ordained that the patron who betrayed his client, or the client who deceived his patron, shall be condemned to Iuppiter; the parricide to the spirits of his dead ancestors, the husband who sells his wife to the gods of the underworld, the man who removes his neighbour's landmark to Terminus, the stealer of corn to Ceres.

These, of course, were connected, in degrees more or less close, with the different curtes regiae, and with the placita held in the various civitates commonly about three times in the year.

In a document of the next year 716 we find "Ebugansus, Notarius regiae Curtis," taking part in the procedure in a case between the bishops of Pistoia and Lucca; and a little later, in the year 756, is mention of an exchange of property between "civitis regia lucencis" and the church situated in that city. In the "Opusculum de Fundat. Monast.

"I shall again call upon you to answer my interrogatories upon oath." "And if I won't swear?" "Why then you'll have to pay the court fine toties-quoties. A juratus tabulae regiae notarius will call regularly every day and exact the fine from you until such time as you make up your mind to take the oaths. Good-day." After the magistrate had withdrawn Mr. John's fury reached its climax.

The conclusion reached is, then, that the king and the dukes were the successors of the old curia in the possession and the administration of all properties and revenues, taxes and fines formerly belonging to the organized corporations of the Roman municipalities, and that the curtes regiae were the channel through which these were collected, divided and expended.

The nucleus of the so-called -leges regiae- was probably not much more recent. These were certain precepts chiefly of a ritual nature, which rested upon traditional usage, and were probably promulgated to the general public under the form of royal enactments by the college of pontifices, which was entitled not to legislate but to point out the law.