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The universe, and all its fair and glorious forms, are indeed included in the wide empire of the imagination; but she has placed her home and her sanctuary amidst the inexhaustible varieties and the impenetrable mysteries of the mind. In tutte parti impera, e quivi regge; Quivi e la sua cittade, e l'alto seggio. Othello is perhaps the greatest work in the world. From what does it derive its power?

Io mi diverto intanto a scrivere per la camera e per la chiesa: e ne son quivi altri due bravissimi contrapuntisti, cioe il Sgr. Haydn e Adlgasser. Il mio padre e maestro della chiesa Metropolitana, che mi da l'occasione di scrivere per la chiesa, quanto che ne voglio.

The allusion is to the Pygmalion who was Dido's brother, and who murdered her husband, the priest Sichæus, for his riches. This beautiful and affecting image is followed in the original by one of the most fantastical conceits of the time. "Chi nel viso de gli uomini legge o m o, Bene avria quivi conosciuto l'emme."

I felt sick with horror. As if their hoarse and over strained voices failed to make noise enough, they soon began to clap their hands violently. The scene described by Dante was before me: "Quivi sospiri, pianti, ed alti guai Risonavon per l'aere Orribili favelle Parole di dolore, accenti d'ira Voci alti e floche, e suon di man con elle."

It is a place of brick and marble, painted orange, brown, yellow, and warm white, where every cornerstone and every twig is printed sharply on a sky of morning blue. "Quivi le mura son fatte con arte, Che parlano, e rispondono a i parlanti." A tale of Padua should have the edge of a cut gem. So let Ippolita's be told.

Dinanzi a noi pareva si verace, Quivi intagliato in un atto soave, Che non sembrava immagine che tace. Movement has never been suggested in stone with less exaggeration, nor have marble lips been made to utter sweeter and more varied music. Luca's true perception of the limits to be observed in sculpture, appears most eminently in the glazed terra-cotta work by which he is best known.

However, he had not lost the ascendancy over Jacqueline which love had given him: and they would have gone on quite happily living their life of tender and hard-working intimacy for long enough had it not been for circumstances which altered their material condition and destroyed its delicate balance. Quivi trovammo Pluto il gran nemico.... A sister of Madame Langeais died.

"Here sighs, with lamentations and loud moans Resounded through the air pierced by no star, That e'en I wept at entering." According to Parsons: "Mid sighs, laments, and hollow howls of woe, Which, loud resounding through the starless air, Forced tears of pity from mine eyes at first." "Quivi sospiri, pianti ed alti guai Risonavan per l' ner senza stelle, Perch' io al cominciar ne lagrimai."

Ovid is brisker and more obviously to the purpose; but Ariosto gives the ponderousness and dreary triumph of the monster. The comparison of the fly and the mastiff is in the same higher and more epic taste. E quinci e quindi un solitario monte. Quivi il bramoso cavalier ritenne L'audace corso, e nel pratel discese." St. 113.