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S. This dose should be repeated every three or four hours, until the urine becomes alkaline. On the subsidence of the active symptoms two grains of quinine may be added with advantage to each dose. The alkalies must be gradually discontinued, but the quinia continued. The diet should consist of beef tea or broth, with bread and milk; no solid food should be allowed.

"Morphia, cinchonia, quinia, lobelia, belladonna, narcotina, bromine, arsenicum, strychnos colubrina, brucoea ferruginea," muttered the savant, as he examined one vial after the other and replaced it. "Brucoea ferruginea ha! brucine!

The first of these the poppy shares in common with many other narcotic plants tobacco the most conspicuous among the number. In its anti-periodic effects on the human system it has been found similar to quinia, and it is an undoubted narcotic poison acting on the nerves of organic life, though, compared with its associates in the drug, comparatively innocent.

I afterward had the quinia made into pill and left off the iron, as the latter seemed to disagree with the stomach. Saturday, Feb. 14th, 5 P. M., pulse 112, temp. 102.4. The inflammation over the left ilium is much better; but there is now as much inflammation over the right ilium as there was over the left.

Still more recently, quinia taking the place of Peruvian bark, the old plan of administering large doses has been resumed. From thirty all the way up to one hundred grains have been administered in the course of twenty-four hours. Never was there a more profligate waste of a precious medicine.

Thus you see I was carrying out the theory mentioned in the first part of this paper: that of supplying the system with all the flesh producing food the stomach would digest, and using whisky and quinia to prevent disassimilation or waste; also vasaline locally for a similar reason.

In that box of ebony was the sublimated dust of deadly nightshade, which kindles the red fires of fever and rots the roots of the tongue. There was the fetid powder of stramonium, that grips the lungs like an asthma; and quinia, that shakes its victims like the cold hand of the miasma of the Pontine marshes.

However, by liberal use of whisky, quinia, beef tea, cod liver oil, etc., he slowly rallied. Two smaller abscesses formed below the knee, but those gave no great anxiety, not so much as some bed sores on the back and hips. The sack or pouch became gradually obliterated, down as far as the knee.

The wicked young Lieutenants who served with him on the Plains used to say that his bark was worse than his bite, because no reasonable bite could ever be so bad as his bark. They even suggested calling him "Peruvian Bark," because a visit to his quarters was worse than a strong does of quinia. "Yeth, that'th good," said the lisping wit of the crowd. "Evely bite ith a bit, ain't it?

Ordered a large flaxseed poultice applied, expecting an abscess would form at this place. The cathartic moved the bowels two or three times. I will here state that the patient, after the withdrawal of the blood on Sunday, was ordered iron, quinine and whisky; twenty minims of Tr. Ferri Muriat., three grs quinia, in a tablespoonful of glycerine and a little whisky.