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So the koitza from Cochiti said, 'Sister, lay your head on my lap, I will cleanse your hair. As the other was lying thus and the Queres woman cleansed her head, she fell asleep. Thereupon the captive took a large stone, crushed her skull with it, and killed her. Was not that very wise?" "Indeed," I uttered, but thought to myself that the action was not very praiseworthy from our point of view.

In this region the Tehua hosts spread out, scouts preceding even as far as the Ziro kauash. The Queres might come, for everything was as ready as Shotaye's fondest hopes could have wished. During these warlike preparations Shotaye found ample time and opportunity to become initiated into the life of her new home.

"It is true that the Moshome Dinne cannot have killed all our people. Do you not think, satyumishe, that he meant to tell me thereby that forty of our people escaped and fled to Hanyi?" "I do; and that is the reason why I believe we shall find them in Hashyuko," the eastern corner, the Queres name for the place where Santa stands, replied the other, very positively.

Lastly she tried to convey the idea that the Queres were in arms against the Tehuas. The governor displayed much coolness, and paid close attention during this strange and almost comic interview. He thought he understood that a man from the Rito, probably called Topanashka, had been murdered by the Dinnes on the trail leading to the Puye from the south.

Let me tell them again what they are," and she ran to the brink of the roof, raised handfuls of dust from it, and hurled them in the direction of the caves of the offenders. She stamped, she spat; she raved, and heaped upon the heads of the Corn people, their ancestors, and their descendants, every invective the Queres language contains.

North of the Tiguas the Queres had their homes on both sides of the river as far as the great cañon south of San Ildefonso, and an outlying pueblo of the Queres, isolated and quite remote to the west, was Acoma. The most northerly villages on the Rio Grande were those of the Tehuas.

After all, Say was in no real danger. Until the campaign was over, there was no time to think of her case, and during that campaign Shotaye would provide for the Queres such a rough handling that no thoughts of witchcraft trials would trouble them for some time to come. For there should be mourning, sadness, grief, howling, and gnashing of teeth on the Rito on a very large scale.

For the Tehuas are people like ourselves, are they not?" "They are indeed Zaashtesh, like the Queres. But I do not know how the Shiuana feel toward them. Old men who knew told me that the Moshome Tehua prayed to Those Above and around us, and that they call them Ohua.

Hawikuh was one of these little crowded pueblos, looking as if it had been crumpled together and thrown away, and though there were turquoises over the doors, they were poor ones, and there was no gold. And as Hawikuh, so they found all the cities of Cibola, and the cities of the Queres, east to the River of White Rocks." Dorcas Jane nudged Oliver to remind him of the Corn Woman and Tse-tse-yote.

She heard enough and saw enough, during the commotion prevailing at the Rito when the dead body was brought in, to become convinced that as soon as the mourning ceremonies were over the Queres would take the war-path against the supposed murderers of their war-chief.