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Why do they dig up the hatchet, hazarding the only thing they have their lives? Because they are led by a man who told the rebel Congress that the covenant chain which the King gave to the Mohawks is still unspotted by dishonor, unrusted by treachery, unbroken, intact, without one link missing! Gentlemen, I give you Joseph Brant, war-chief of the Mohawk nation! Hiro!"

The beady eyes of the Chis-chis-chash beamed malevolently on the white chief the blood-thirst, the warrior's itch, was upon them. After an understanding had been arrived at, the Indian war-chief turned to his people and spoke. "We will go back to our village. The Yellow-Eyes do not want us among their carts they are afraid. We will camp near by them to-night, and tomorrow we will exchange gifts.

And there sprang up among the Indians, no one could tell how, a prophecy that some night when the Willamettes were in their direst need, a great light would be seen moving on the waters of the Columbia, and the war-chief would come back in a canoe of fire to lead them to victory as of old. Dire and awful grew their need as the days went on; swift and sweeping was the end.

He was not outlawed; no punishment was dealt to him; he was simply suffered to remain on that lower level to which he had naturally dropped. The principal question agitating the council was the nomination of a maseua, or head war-chief. The caciques intimated that Hayoue would be their choice, and all concurred in the selection.

The father was taken to Niagara, and after a captivity of two years, was exchanged and enabled to return to his own family. The son was claimed by a war-chief, who treated him kindly, and after a time took him to the waters of the Chemung.

It seemed strange to both of the latter that he could have left his mustang so far away from the place where his self-imposed duties had called him to bring to naught the cunning of his great enemy, the principal war-chief of the Apaches. But the truth was, the camps of the scout and the redskins were not so widely separated as Mickey and Fred believed.

"A great army of his embattled brothers trusts in him to guide them so that the Iroquois Confederacy shall be pierced from Gate to Gate, and the Long House go roaring up in flames. "There are many valiant deeds to be accomplished on this coming march deeds worthy of a war-chief of the Lenni-Lenape deeds fitted to do honour to a Sagamore of the Magic Wolf.

"But one night the war-chief announced that there was misfortune at hand. The next day no one was willing to lead the fleet. The youngest of the three brothers finally declared that he did not fear death, for it comes when least expected and he volunteered to take the lead. "It happened that this young man had left a pretty maiden behind him, whose choice needlework adorned his quiver.

With the help of heated bayonets and sundry proddings, he then impressed upon "The Turk" that it was about time for him to find the Quiviras, or prepare to go to the happy hunting-grounds of his ancestors. After many hardships, "The Turk" located the tribe they were seeking near the present site of Kansas City. All that Coronado found in the way of metal was a bit of copper worn by a war-chief.

Far in the shade he saw Tohomish raise his hand imploringly, but the eyes of the orator sank once more under the glance of the war-chief. "Go!" An electric shock passed through all who heard; and except for the chiefs standing on its outskirts like sombre shadows, the grove was empty in a moment.