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Ipsi tamen illum saepius nominant Machon. Putatur autem istum Mahomet habuisse generationis ortum de Ismael Abrahae filio naturali de concubina Agar, vnde et vsque hodie quidam Sarracenorum dicuntur Ismaelitae, alij Agareni: sed et quidam Moabitae, et Ammonitae, a duobus Loth filijs Moab et Amon, genitis per incestum de proprijs filiabus.

Habentur iuxta sepulchrum duo altaria, sub vno est fons Aquae quae putatur exire de vno Paradisi flumine. Satis prope ab hac Ecclesia ad rupem Gethsemane habetur capella, vbi scilicet Iudaeis traditus fuit Christus a Iuda.

Upon an artificial elevation, in the centre of the city, rose a ruined tower of unknown antiquity. By some it was considered to be of Roman origin, while others preferred to regard it as a work of the Anglo-Saxon Hengist, raised to commemorate his conquest of England. Holl, et Zelandire. Bor, vii. 502. Bentivoglio, viii. 151 "Putatur Engistus Britanno Orbe redus posuisse victor," etc., etc.

Upon an artificial elevation, in the centre of the city, rose a ruined tower of unknown antiquity. By some it was considered to be of Roman origin, while others preferred to regard it as a work of the Anglo-Saxon Hengist, raised to commemorate his conquest of England. Holl, et Zelandire. Bor, vii. 502. Bentivoglio, viii. 151 "Putatur Engistus Britanno Orbe redus posuisse victor," etc., etc.

Upon an artificial elevation, in the centre of the city, rose a ruined tower of unknown antiquity. By some it was considered to be of Roman origin, while others preferred to regard it as a work of the Anglo-Saxon Hengist, raised to commemorate his conquest of England. Holl, et Zelandire. Bor, vii. 502. Bentivoglio, viii. 151 "Putatur Engistus Britanno Orbe redus posuisse victor," etc., etc.

Putatur enim fons ille immediate per poros subterraneos eliquari de fonte paradisi terrestris, ita quod nulla via decurrentium super terram fluentium vitietur. In ista etiam regione, et in insulis circumquaque crescit gingiber valde bonum, vnde et mercatores saepe ibi tendunt de Venetia pro emendo pipere et gingibere.

Upon an artificial elevation, in the centre of the city, rose a ruined tower of unknown antiquity. By some it was considered to be of Roman origin, while others preferred to regard it as a work of the Anglo-Saxon Hengist, raised to commemorate his conquest of England. Holl, et Zelandire. Bor, vii. 502. Bentivoglio, viii. 151 "Putatur Engistus Britanno Orbe redus posuisse victor," etc., etc.