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To be good as Christ was good, here in very truth is the summum bonum of life, the greatest thing in the world, that which, before all other things, a man should seek to make his own, There are times, perhaps, in the lives of all of us when we are tempted to doubt it times when the kingdoms of this world, the kingdoms of wealth and power and knowledge lie stretched at our feet, and the whispering fiend at our elbow bids us bow and enter in.

We have seen that this is a mere stroke of ingenuity, and owes its plausible appearance to his making our associated ends the primary ends of our being. III. With regard to the Summum Bonum, or the theory of Happiness, he holds that men cannot be happy by the pursuit of mere self; but must give way to their benevolent impulses as well, all under the guidance of conscience.

There are Latin words in the Dictionary. There's bonus, a gift." "Now, you're just wrong there, Miss Maggie!" said Tom, secretly astonished. "You think you're very wise! But 'bonus' means 'good, as it happens, bonus, bona, bonum." "Well, that's no reason why it shouldn't mean 'gift," said Maggie, stoutly. "It may mean several things; almost every word does.

Yet there have always been people who would quote this classical lie as if it were at least as authoritative as anything said in the Sermon on the Mount. It was said a long time ago, and in a strange language that was enough for them. In the same way they will say, "De mortuis nil nisi bonum."

Now albeit in natural things one good is opponed to another good, as that which is hot to that which is cold, yet bonum bona non contrariatur in moralibus.

"Mistigris, 'ars est celare bonum," said his master. "I thank you very much, monsieur," said the count to Mistigris's master, next to whom he now sat. The minister of State cast a sagacious glance round the interior of the coach, which greatly affronted both Oscar and Georges. "When persons want to be master of a coach, they should engage all the places," remarked Georges.

Of General Trochu, into whose hands, by the mere force of circumstances, all civil and military authority is concentrating, Bonum virum, facile dixeris, magnum libenter. He is, I believe, a good general and a good administrator. Although he awakens no enthusiasm, confidence is felt by the majority in his good sense.

Indeed I think she was quite as anxious as I was to enjoy the delight which the contemplation of each other's beauties was sure to produce upon us. However, at last we were both too eager to enjoy the summum bonum of earthly felicity to give up much time to the preliminaries.

But Hindu fatalists, noble Aryans as they were at first, have been conquered by every race of invaders that has chosen to assail them. And no better result could have been expected from a philosophy whose summum bonum is the renunciation of life as not worth living, and the loss of all personality by absorption into the One supreme existence.

He has no metaphysics of the Will. He uses the terms free and voluntary only with reference to spontaneous beneficence, as opposed to the compulsion of the law. III. As regards Happiness, or the Summum Bonum, he presents his scientific classification of Pleasures and Pains, without, however, indicating any plan of life, for attaining the one and avoiding the other in the best manner.