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'I never saw anybody so changed in all my life, pursued the lady. 'Such sudden changes are doubtful things, I always think; come probably from some sudden cause, and may not last. But it is very surprising while it does last. 'I am sorry to contradict you, Prudens, said Dr. Arthur here; 'but Dane was never more himself. He only happens to stand facing due north instead of north by east.

Undoubtedly he would have mentioned him, as he mentions Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Demas, Prudens, Livius, Claudia, &c. had he been at Rome; but neither his name, nor any allusion to his abode in the capital of the world, is to be discovered in any part of St. Paul's Epistles. In my opinion, there is no proof of his ever having been there, much less of his having held the bishopric.

There, gossip, comes the golden word of John Andr. in cap. ult. de sent. et re. judic. l. sexto. Sedendo, et dormiendo fit anima prudens. How Pantagruel excuseth Bridlegoose in the matter of sentencing actions at law by the chance of the dice. With this Bridlegoose held his peace.

He bore their jeering with perfect composure, and assured them, as I was told, they would be better if they would follow his example. I was happy to learn from Mr. Prudens, that this man was not only one of the best hunters, but the most cheerful and contented of the tribe.

They all were cautious of voice, moderate of speech, chary of gesture. There was always an impressive pause before a director of the Half Moon Trust answered even the most harmless question addressed to him. Some among them made it a conservative rule to swallow nothing several times before speaking at all. It was a safe habit to acquire. Aut prudens aut nullus.

I, Gallus Favonius Jocundus, son of P. Favonius, dying in the war against Viriatus, declare my sons Jocundus and Prudens, by my wife Quintia Fabia, joint Heirs of my Estate, real and personal; on condition, however, that they come hither within a time of five years from this my last will, and transport my remains to Rome to be deposited in my Sepulchre built in the via latina by my own order and Direction: and it is my will that neither slave nor freedman shall be interred with me in the said tomb; that if any such there be, they shall be removed, and the Roman law obeyed, in preserving in the antient Form the sepulchre according to the will of the Testator.

Back and I were present when an old Cree communicated to Mr. Prudens, that the Indians spoke of killing all the white people in that vicinity this year, which information he received with perfect composure, and was amused, as well as ourselves, with the man's judicious remark which immediately followed, "A pretty state we shall then be in without the goods you bring us."

'He stands as still as a mountain, Prudentia went on, carrying on meanwhile privately a mental speculation about Wych Hazel; 'he stands like a glossy statue, without being held, too; and comes when Dane snaps his fingers to him. 'It only shews what unexpected docility exists in some natures, said Miss Kennedy with an unreadable face. 'Come, Prudens tell your story and have done! said Dr.

Vir bonus es, doctus, prudens; ast haud tibi spiro. For these terms do in truth include all the difficulties, which the human mind can propose for solution.

Prudens on a visit to a Cree encampment and a buffalo pound about six miles from the house; we found seven tents pitched within a small cluster of pines which adjoined the pound. The largest, which we entered, belonged to the chief who was absent but came in on learning our arrival.