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Another instance is found in Valerius Cato, who lost his patrimony when quite a youth by the rapacity of Sulla, and was compelled to teach in order to obtain a living. He speedily became popular, and was considered an excellent trainer of poets. He is called "Cato Grammaticus, Latina Siren, Qui solus legit et facit poetas."

She was standing beside a table, near a vase of flowers, holding in her bloodless right hand a rose as large as a tomato, looking straight before her with the little porcelain-like eyes of a doll. This woman had been styled "La Latina." In the pompous style of the epoch the lettering on the canvas told of her knowledge and wisdom, and lamented her death at the tender age of eleven years.

Denique linguarum cognitione praeditus, ne tot ac tantarum rerum varietates, et miracula quae oculatus testis viderat, memoriaeque mandauerat, obliuione premerentur, in tribus linguis, Anglica, Gallica, et Latina, graphice scripsit Itinerarium 33. annorum.

Finally, Doña Beatriz was appointed special teacher in the Latin language to the queen herself; and so great was her success with this royal pupil, that she was rewarded with the title la Latina, by which she was commonly known ever after. According to a Spanish proverb, "the best counsel is that of a woman," and surely Isabella acted upon that supposition.

We clung low, and at 12° South, 60° 2O' West, at 10:16 that morning we descended in Venia, capital of the Central Latina Province, largest immigrant colony of the Western Hemisphere. We landed on a stage of one of the upper crescent terraces. A crowd of Venus people surrounded us. Even in the turmoil of our debarkation, I wondered where the official landing director might be.

A family Bible now in the Bodleian enumerates 16 children born to the same parents in 24 years, 1550-74. One girl was married before she was 16; one son at 20 died of exposure on his way home from Holland; two reached 10, one 8, one 6. None of the remainder ten lived for one year. Biblia Latina, 1529, c. 2.

For a long time neither spoke again. "Did your father tell you the news before we left?" asked San Giacinto at last, when they were rolling over the Campagna along the Via Latina. "No what?" "It is somewhat remarkable news. If you are afraid of fainting," he added, with rough humour, "hold your bottle of salts ready."

And as the various regulations about women had now a divine sanction, the permanence of these convictions was doubly assured. I. The Bible. II. Patrologia Latina: edidit J.P. Migne. Matthew 5, 31 ff.; id. 19, 3 ff. Mark 10, 2-12. Luke 16, 18.

Near Grottaferrata in a flat green field, a nun, all in white, was seated under one of the big olives: a curious biblical figure. April 26. Yesterday with P. D. P. at Porta Latina. He told me an extraordinary thing. Vicar and the Card. All this P. D. had learned when these people were still there, in the arch. But we found them gone; and the strangest sight instead.

We can imagine the clattering of the hoofs on the hard stones of the Via Latina as five anxious messengers, who had managed to escape before it was too late, hurried to Rome to carry the disheartening news. All eyes immediately turned in one direction for help.