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I always say if Bleema Pelz wanted the moon, her father would see to it that his property-man got the real one for her." "You you've got a beautiful, sweet little girl there, Pelz. I don't blame you." "Feist, if I didn't know it, I'd be an ungrateful dog." "Her papa can't realize, Mr. Feist, we haven't got a baby any more." "I realize it, Mrs. Pelz." "You you see, Roody?"

"A skull!" ejaculates the old man, his bony fingers wandering to his melancholy lip "a skull!" and he fusses studiously round the little cell-like place, looking distrustfully at the property-man, and then turning an anxious eye towards his piles of rubbish, as if fearing some plot is on foot to remove them to the infernal regions. "You see," interrupts Mr.

It is quite unintelligible to me that the ancient critics should have placed him so low. Horace's notice of him in the Ars Poetica is quite ridiculous. There is, to be sure, the "magnum loqui;" but the great topic insisted on is the skill of Aeschylus as a manager, as a property-man; the judicious way in which he boarded the stage; the masks, the buskins, and the dresses.

'My God! he exclaimed to Mortimer, as he rushed across the stage after the 'damned property-man, 'never have your woman playing in the same theatre as yourself; it's awful! For the last couple of weeks everything he did seemed to be wrong.

"He should not be difficult to replace," said Harlequin. "True, if we were in a civilized land. But where among the rustics of Brittany are we to find a fellow of even his poor parts?" M. Binet turned to Andre-Louis. "He was our property-man, our machinist, our stage-carpenter, our man of affairs, and occasionally he acted."

The brother of this lady is chief stage carpenter and property-man, and is married to another lady of the company. One of the under-carpenters is stepson of the chief comic who was formerly a fruit seller and is a little fellow of inexhaustible drollery with a flavour of Dan Leno in his method.

Now if that property-man knew what he was talking about the company will be safe out of Arden before a runabout could make the country club and back." But the tinker's mirth was of short duration. With a shout of derision, he slapped the pocket of his trousers viciously. "What a confounded fool I am!

That wardrobe would have delighted the heart of a motion-picture company's property-man, for it contained everything from a Dutch court dress, complete with sword and feathered hat, to a state costume of sky-blue broadcloth edged with white fur and trimmed with diamond buttons.

"A skull!" ejaculates the old man, his bony fingers wandering to his melancholy lip "a skull!" and he fusses studiously round the little cell-like place, looking distrustfully at the property-man, and then turning an anxious eye towards his piles of rubbish, as if fearing some plot is on foot to remove them to the infernal regions. "You see," interrupts Mr.

"The Star'll have skulls and bones enough to make up for his want of talent now-I reckon," interposes the property-man. "But! I say, mister, this skull couldn't a bin old Yorick's, you know " "Yorick's! why not?" interrupts the old man. "Because Yorick-Yorick was the King's jester, you see-no nigger; and no one would think of importing anything but a nigger's skull into Charleston "