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You can't miss his place, and he'll pocket his fee like a wise man ind ask no questions." "You've done very well, sir," said I. "The blood has almost ceased to flow. I'm greatly beholden to you." "Say no more!" he cried earnestly. "It's a boon you've conferred on me, if you only knew it. Nemo repente turpissimus, as we say." "Video proboque, as we also say," I countered, smiling. "Oddones!

"You have exprest yourself extremely well," cries Booth; "and I entirely agree with the justice of your sentiments; but, however true all this may be in theory, I still doubt its efficacy in practice. And the cause of the difference between these two is this; that we reason from our heads, but act from our hearts: -Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor.

It is really a great comfort to a statesman that the masses are so well aware that they deserve hanging, and therefore so careful to prevent any danger of public justice depopulating the province. But how go on the schools? Hypatia shook her head sadly. 'Ah, boys will be boys.... I plead guilty myself. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor.

The character that is summed up in the line "video meliora proboque, detiora sequor" is supposed to be very common, and meets with universal comprehension and commiseration. Mine, perhaps, would find neither. I followed the good that is, good as the world's opinion goes the straight line in life, without any of the enthusiasm for virtue to form a consolation and support.

In these propositions I consider that I have explained why men are more strongly influenced by an opinion than by true reason, and why the true knowledge of good and evil causes disturbance in the mind, and often gives way to every kind of lust, whence the saying of the poet, "Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor."

Medea in Ovid speaks thus: Frustra, Medea, repugnas, Nescio quid Deus obstat, ait. And a little later Ovid makes her add: Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque Cupido, Mens aliud suadet; video meliora proboque, Deteriora sequor.

Work without hope of profits! That cannot be, for it would be self-destruction. He would like to, perhaps; he has not the courage. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor. The retired proprietor is really the owl of the fable gathering beech-nuts for its mutilated mice until it is ready to devour them.

"Video meliora, proboque, I see the better, and approve it; deteriora sequor, I follow after the worse: 'tis that natural dislike to what is good, pure, holy, and true, that inrooted selfishness, totally insensible to the claims of" Here the worthy man was interrupted by Miss Letty. "Do come, if you can, grandpapa," said the young girl; "here is a poor old black woman wants to see you so much!"

"The two lovers the old one and the new: how she wanted to marry the second, but felt she ought to marry the first; so that she neglected the better course to follow the evil, like the poet Ovid I've just been construing: 'Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor." "O no; she didn't follow evil exactly!" said Lucetta hastily.

Life for the average conscientious man is a perpetual battle between two opposing tendencies, that which his better self endorses, and that which is easiest or most alluring at the moment of action. Ovid's Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor. And St. Paul's "To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not.