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But that a man who has not even a decent name to offer who is blackballed by his county should coolly present himself as a pretendant is an insolence he should be kicked for." Betty arranged her campanulas carefully. There was no exterior reason why she should draw sword in Lord Mount Dunstan's defence. He had certainly not seemed to expect anything intimately interested from her.

He was, in fact, rather bewildered with the situation, for which he felt himself remotely if not immediately responsible. Bittridge was there among them not only on good terms, but apparently in the character of a more than tolerated pretendant to Ellen's favor.

Mais M. Bunsen, l'artisan de la complication de Cologne, n'a pas la main heureuse, et la fecondite de son genie, secondant son ardeur de courtisan, pourroit bien, en pretendant servir les tendances vagues de piete de son maitre, embarquer celui-ci dans les plus graves difficultes en provoquant l'opposition des vieux protestans reunis aux rationalistes allemands.

She wandered away from the ball-room with him, though she knew her husband desired she should not lose sight of his daughter. It was with his daughter's pretendant, however; that would make it right for Osmond. On her way out of the ball-room she came upon Edward Rosier, who was standing in a doorway, with folded arms, looking at the dance in the attitude of a young man without illusions.

His manner she had generally felt to be rather restrained. But one could, in a measure, express one's self. "Whatsoever the 'running," she remarked, "no pretendant has complimented me by presenting himself, so far and Lord Mount Dunstan is physically an unusually strong man." "You mean it would be difficult to kick him? Is this partisanship? I hope not.

The monarch was always fearful of assassination, and as one of the poems foretold his speedy decease, the prophet incurred the King's wrath and suffered death for his pains. A single poem was fatal to Deforges, entitled Vers sur l'arrestation du Pretendant d'Angleterre, en 1749. It commences with the following lines:

Une jolie anecdote dont Napoléon III. n'est pas le héros: Napoléon III., alors qu'il n'était que prétendant, et plus riche d'espérances que de monnaie ayant cours légal, fréquentait beaucoup,

Very often the father of a young girl, in order to keep in his service a man who cost him nothing, keeps on this state of servitude indefinitely, and sometimes dismisses him who has served him for two or three years, and takes another under the same title of prétendant, or lover.

I considered the latter frame of mind as his most probable one; I went to work cautiously, as I say. I ascertained that Lucille had made no mention of any obnoxious prétendant at any time; I didn’t expect to find she had, her terror of the man was too intense. But this man must have met her somewherewhere?

I'm going to give a lot more trouble yet. I can't do it in politics, that's the worst of it. But here's the man that's going to do it for me. Here's the man!" The Crows looked at the pretendant, as in duty bound, but not any longer than they could help. "Why, I guess you were at school with Elmore?" said Crow, as if the idea had just struck him.