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Gorman says I had my hand on the weapon as she was falling." "We can easily shake her in that." "And Hipkins says that I admitted the crime called myself a murderer." "We can shake that too. You said, 'Am I a murderer? It was an odd thing to say, but your nerves were unstrung. Men in such predicaments have been known to say a great deal more than that."

"By Jove!" said Hal. "I hadn't thought of that." "Oh, we've been in predicaments just as serious," said Chester, "and we have always come through somehow. I guess we shall do so again." "We'll get into one just once too often, I'm afraid," said Hal, "and this is likely to be it." "You're getting as bad as Stubbs, Hal," said Chester.

Apparently he was in one of two predicaments; either he was self deceived, which was abhorrent to him as a thoughtful grappler with the eternal mysteries, or he had misinterpreted the character of the woman whose transcendent quality was a dearer faith to him than the integrity of his own manhood. So it was with a troubled heart that he applied himself to more rigorous professional endeavor.

His lordship did not eat his porridge with his usual appetite, for he had had a disturbed night, Sponge having appeared to him in his dreams in all sorts of forms and predicaments; now jumping a-top of him now upsetting Jack now riding over Frostyface now crashing among his hounds; and he awoke, fully determined to get rid of him by fair means or foul.

A consummate Kaunitz; who has provided remedies. Treaties do get broken. Besides, I will not go to War, unless HE the Bad One of Prussia do!" Alas, your noble Majesty, plain it at least is, your love of Silesia is very strong. And consummate Kaunitz and it have led you into strange predicaments.

The infirmities, the predicaments of men neither surprised nor shocked him, and indeed which was perhaps his only real loss in a thrifty career scarce even amused; he took them for granted without horror, classifying them after their kind and calculating results and chances.

Suppose the leader names Washington, the next New York, and so on. Thirty seconds is allowed to think of a name, if he fails in that, he must drop out. Any one may be challenged to locate the place which he has named. The side which has kept up the longest, is the champion. Predicaments of the worst kind are thought of and written on pieces of paper.

A decade of compromise and evasion of difficulties had enfeebled the spirit of Prussia, until the hardest trial for her King was to take any step that could not be retraced. He had often spoken "feelingly, if not energetically," of the predicaments of his position between France, England, and Russia.

To be held paralyzed, with one's back toward some horrible and unknown danger from the very sound of which the ferocious Apache warriors turn in wild stampede, as a flock of sheep would madly flee from a pack of wolves, seems to me the last word in fearsome predicaments for a man who had ever been used to fighting for his life with all the energy of a powerful physique.

The fact is, however, that the fears and hopes of mankind are almost always superior in efficacy to their reason, and accordingly, in the two predicaments of bodily and spiritual health, are continually acting like tendrils which embrace with undistinguishing affection whatever comes in their way, as the ivy clings to the tree or wall that happens to be in its neighbourhood.