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"Hello, everybody," she called a moment later, as she flung aside the portières and stood framed in the doorway. "Mollie tells us we are the last and " "Well, so you are. We thought you and Allen had mistaken the date," said Frank. "Accidentally on purpose," he added slyly. "Not a chance in the world, Frank," said Allen, who had come into the room in time to hear the last remark.

These two rooms took all the rest of the Saturday morning lesson. The window-curtains and portières were pinned up and put into bags, long, loose ones, which kept them off the floor and out of the dust, but did not muss them. They dusted the piano and large sofa and covered them with strong sheets.

"I will not only put out the gas, but I will draw the portières close, making this little hole for your eye and this one for mine. A common expedient, madam; but serviceable, madam, serviceable."

Imagine my surprise, then, when I learned privately, and from the lips of Miss Ross, that Monsieur Voisin had been there in advance of us and had gone. Seated in the little rear parlour, with the portières drawn, the clear-headed little Quakeress told me the story of his visit.

The architectural expression of the town was on a different scale, beginning with "frame," rising through the semidetached, culminating expensively in Mansard roofs, cupolas and modern conveniences, and blossoming, in extreme instances, into Moorish fretwork and silk portieres for interior decoration.

In that act she checked, startled, transfixed, the laugh freezing into a gasp of alarm. Brass rings slithered on a pole supporting the portières at the back of the room. These parted. Through them a man emerged. Her grasp on the picture relaxed. It struck a corner against the chair and clattered on the floor the canvas on its stretcher simultaneously flying out of the frame. "Victor!"

Mulligans to be had for the asking. "Yes, Mr. Oliver, she's insoide. Oh! it's fri'nds ye hev wid ye!" and she started back. "Only my father and Mr. Gill," and he brushed past Mrs. Mulligan, parted the heavy portieres that divided Madge's working studio from the narrow hall, thrust in his head and called out, in his cheeriest voice: "Madge, who do you think is outside? Guess! Father and Uncle Nat.

A splendid Venetian mirror, its frame embellished with tiny figure subjects, and measuring two metres in width and three in height, fills a whole panel of the vestibule. Portieres of Chinese satin, ornamented with striking embroidery, such as figures on a priest's chasuble, fall in sumptuous folds at the drawing-room and dining-room doors.

Phelps meanwhile had been listening to us impatiently. Finally he turned to Mackay. "Was that all you called me out here for? Did you just want to show me the pinholes in those portieres?" "Not exactly," Mackay replied, eyeing him sharply. "Some one forced his way into this library last night.

The Alfreds lived in a five-room flat bristling with modern art papers and shining woodwork; the dining-room was papered in a bold red, with black wood trimmings and plate-rail; the little drawing-room had a gas-log surrounded with green tiles. Freda made endless pillows for the narrow velour couch, and was very proud of her Mission rocking-chairs and tasseled portieres.