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"The Poly.," said Booty, "really was a Club, 'where," he underlined it, "'every reasonable facil'ty shall bee offered fer the formation of a steadfast character, and of true friendships; fer trainin' the intellec' " "Int'lec' be blowed," said Ransome. "'And fer leadin' an upright, unselfish life. Day by day," read Booty, "'the battle of life becomes more strenuous.

I aim higher: the complex picture of so many beauties wrought into one, however artful be the composition, cannot escape inconsistency: with me, each separate virtue of her soul shall sit for its own portrait. Ly. What a banquet awaits me! Here, assuredly, is good measure. Mete it out; I ask for nothing better. Poly.

Among the first, my notes mention the following: Convolvulus cantabrica, or flax-leaved bindweed; Lotus symmetricus, or bird's-foot trefoil; Teucrium polium, or poly; and the flowery heads of the Phragmites communis, or common reed.

Bill Hall's lawyer was Poly Tincher, the son-in-law of Southworth, the drug-store jointist here, who at this time had an injunction served against him for selling liquor. There were six jurymen called, mostly of the caliber, that suited this lawless, rum- defending class of Medicine Lodge. They said Bill Hall was right, because I snatched a cigar out of his mouth. I did not even see one.

I know now whom you mean, as well from your description as from her nationality. You said that there were eunuchs in her train? Ly. Yes; and soldiers too. Poly. My simple friend, the lady you have been describing is a celebrity, and possesses the affections of an Emperor. Ly. And her name? Poly. Ly. Yes; and every time I read it, it is as if she stood before me.

Let the examination, if you will, be intended to admit none but those who have taken or can take first-class Honours. The Poly students need not fear to face a standard even so high as this. Why should the higher walks of life be reserved for those who have money to begin with? Why should money stand in the way of honour?

Yet even here there were exceptions. Every one, for instance, will remember the case of the general once a Poly boy who successfully defended Herat against an overwhelming host of Russians in the year 1935. It was not enough to throw open the Professions. Some there were in which, whether they were thrown open or not, a new-comer without family or capital or influence could never get any work.

"Yes, I don't think I've ever been around so much in a week before," said Townsend; "I feel like a pinwheel." "Or a top," said Brownie. "Something like that," said Townsend. "Well, Joe, what do you think of us?" he added, sprawling on the ground as was his wont. The others began preparations for supper. "How about some spaghetti?" Roly Poly asked. "Could you eat some spaghetti?"

Were you ever at Cnidus? Poly. I was. Ly. Then you have seen the Aphrodite, of course? Poly. That masterpiece of Praxiteles's art! I have. Ly. And heard the story they tell there, of the man who fell in love with the statue, and contrived to get shut into the temple alone, and there enjoyed such favours as a statue is able to bestow. But that is neither here nor there.

"Would you say that this little tree is near the west coast of the island?" Townsend asked. "I've followed it around for the last half hour and I don't know where it is except it's here." "Here isn't a place," said Roly Poly. "Sure it is," shouted Pee-wee; "here is just as much a place as there." "More," said Townsend.