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A second wave of dervishes lapped over the hillocks, and burst upon the machine-gun and the right front of the line. The sailors were overborne in an instant, but the Mallows, with their fighting blood aflame, met the yell of the Moslem with an even wilder, fiercer cry, and dropped two hundred of them with a single point-blank volley.

I felt that it was my duty to insist on a change of physician; but there was something else to consider before deciding who that physician should be. I was bound, as your confidante, to consult your own scruples of honour. Of course I could not say point-blank to Mrs. Ashleigh, 'Dr.

In dress all were nearly similar, and in manners there was small difference; exceptions there were to the general rule, but the majority gave the tone to the establishment, and that tone was rough, boisterous, masked by a point-blank disregard of all forbearance towards each other or their teachers; an eager pursuit by each individual of her own interest and convenience; and a coarse indifference to the interest and convenience of every one else.

What, then, could it have availed me to have made appeal to him? And yet, Monsieur le President, he was born a gentleman, and he may still retain some notion of honour. Ask him, sir ask him point-blank, whether I am or not Marcel de Bardelys." The firmness of my tones created some impression upon those feeble minds.

Suffren ranged his fleet in the same manner, parallel to the enemy, and was careful to see the order exact before bearing down. When the signal to attack was given, the French kept away together, and brought-to again on the weather beam of the British, just within point-blank range.

'He says a great deal. He has sworn point-blank that there was no such marriage at the time named. He and Caldigate were living together then, and for some weeks afterwards, and the woman was never near them during the time. 'To think of his coming just now! 'It will be a great help, Mr. Bagwax; but it wouldn't be enough alone. He might possibly tell an untruth.

In our fitful fever of honest intention and wrong judgement, high endeavour and point-blank commercialism, Greek art, the art of Pheidias and Ictinus, is still the wise mother to whom we must return.

There was sorrow, a look of pity in this young man's eyes as reproachfully he regarded my Mary. He swung round upon George. "George, you've made a fool of me once " "I don't know what on earth's the matter with you," George told him. With knitted brows Bill for a moment searched his face. "I ask you point-blank," he said slowly. "Did you steal this cat, George?"

He talked the matter over with Weed, and they decided that Weed should go to Springfield and come to terms with Lincoln. It was the interview between Weed and Lincoln held, it seems, on the very day on which the Ordinance of Secession was adopted which gave to that day its double significance. Lincoln refused point-blank to accept the compromise and he put his refusal in writing.

It was an awful thing to beard the lion in his den for a new boy to face so great a personage as the football captain, and refuse point-blank to do as he was told.