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'A curiosity worth preserving; and I'll find you a fit custodier. The person wanted soon arrived. 'I will commit your friend to this man's charge, said Pleydell; 'he'll attend him, or conduct him, wherever he chooses to go, with a happy indifference as to kirk or market, meeting or court of justice, or any other place whatever; and bring him safe home at whatever hour you appoint; so that Mr.

Folk seldom greet that gate but they ken what it's for. Mr. Mac-Casquil only replied with a nod, feeling the propriety of asserting his superior gentry in presence of Mr. Pleydell and Colonel Mannering. 'Very queer if there suld be nae will after a', friend, said Dinmont, who began to grow impatient, to the man of business. 'A moment's patience, if you please.

I wrote them for you this morning farewell; my clerk has been waiting this hour to begin a d-d information." And away walked Mr. Pleydell with great activity, diving through closes and ascending covered stairs, in order to attain the High Street by an access, which, compared to the common route, was what the Straits of Magellan are to the more open, but circuitous passage round Cape Horn.

Superficial observers said that John Pleydell was an ambitious man; 'not for himself, added the few who saw deeper. When his quick mind now took in the import of the sound that broke the outer silence of the night, Sir John's glance sought his son's face. In moments of alarm the glance flies to where the heart is. 'What is that? asked Alfred Pleydell, standing up.

"Aha! sits the wind there? Then I suppose the young dog carries off my mistress Julia?" "Even so, counsellor." "These rascals, the post-nati, get the better of us of the old school at every turn," said Mr. Pleydell. "But she must convey and make over her interest in me to Lucy." "To tell you the truth, I am afraid your flank will be turned there too," replied the Colonel. "Indeed?"

Pleydell, from the investigation which he had formerly bestowed on the dark affair of Kennedy's death, as well as from the general deference due to his professional abilities, was requested by Mr. Mac-Morlan and Sir Robert Hazlewood, and another justice of peace who attended, to take the situation of chairman and the lead in the examination. Colonel Mannering was invited to sit down with them.

'Are you not withering your roses with sitting up so late, my young ladies? said the Colonel. 'Not a bit, sir, answered Julia; 'your friend Mr. Pleydell threatens to become a pupil of Mr. Sampson's to-morrow, so we must make the most of our conquest to-night. This led to another musical trial of skill, and that to lively conversation.

In short, it is all a blank in my memory until I recollect myself first an ill-used and half-starved cabin-boy aboard a sloop, and then a schoolboy in Holland, under the protection of an old merchant, who had taken some fancy for me. 'And what account, said Mr. Pleydell, 'did your guardian give of your parentage? 'A very brief one, answered Bertram, 'and a charge to inquire no farther.

The sound of wheels became now very perceptible, and Pleydell, as if he had reserved all his curiosity till that moment, ran out to the hall. The Colonel rung for Barnes to desire that the persons who came in the carriage might be shown into a separate room, being altogether uncertain whom it might contain. It stopped, however, at the door before his purpose could be fully explained.

'Well, replied Julia, that last is truly a Dutch recommendation, Mr. Pleydell; crystal and hearts would lose all their merit in the world if it were not for their fragility. 'Why, upon that point of the argument, Miss Mannering, it is as difficult to find a heart that will break as a glass that will not; and for that reason I would press the value of mine own, were it not that I see Mr.