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On La Jolla Scenic Road, I saw more exotic flora: tall, cedar-like trees, plants with huge vein-covered leaves, and cacti with yellow flowers and spiny needles. I did not know their names. "At last," boomed Atmananda, pointing to a large shrub which drooped like a wilted phallus. "We have found the fabled swaaaanso bush!"

It is therefore a fundamental symbol in Freemasonry, and contains within itself the very essence of the speculative science. LINGAM. The phallus was so called by the Indian nations of the East. See Phallus. LODGE. The place where Freemasons meet, and also the congregation of masons so met. The word is derived from the lodges occupied by the travelling Freemasons of the middle ages.

And again, "the male organs of generation are sometimes represented by signs of the same sort, which might properly be called symbols of symbols. The famous Crux ansata which may be seen on all the monuments of Egypt is what is alluded to by the Prophet Ezekiel, and is affirmed by the learned L. A. Crozius to be nothing else than the triple Phallus mentioned by Plutarch.

My landlord's daughter had for godmother a young lady whose name was Foutine." The same saint was similarly honoured at Embrun. When the Protestants took that town in 1585, they found, among the relics of the principal church, the Phallus of St. Foutin. The devotees of that town, in imitation of pagan ones, made libations to this obscene idol.

The Knights Templar sought the radiant center to complete their half circle, and when they should have found, they were to become radiant with the light of spiritual power. That they originally at least, understood the way of this initiation, is evident by the symbol of the rose and the cross the combined phallus and yoni.

In old sculptures a fish's head, with open mouth pointing upwards, is often worn by the priests, and is scarcely distinguishable from the present mitre. The modern crozier is the hooked staff, emblem of the phallus; the oval frame for divine things is the female symbol once more.

There, like a balloon, he had blown his body in titillations and desire only to be deflated to a moment or two of tameness and godhood and then an equilibrium this concoction of a little god and a lot of animal called a human being. And when he returned home to Seong Seob, there was a contrived inflation and deflation of the phallus in the ersatz of coerced will.

This procession called forth no particular comment and so was probably not unusual. It is stated that this is a part of the ancient "Shinto" religion of Japan and China. There are frequent references to certain of the gods of the Ancients being represented in priapic attitudes, the phallus being the prominent and most important attribute.

In ancient Rome, in the month of April, "when the fertilising powers of nature begin to operate, and its powers to be visibly developed, a festival in honour of Venus took place; in it the phallus was carried in a cart, and led in procession by the Roman ladies to the temple of Venus outside the Colline gate, and then presented by them to the sexual part of the goddess."

Such was Rome when Verus returned to wed Lucille. Before his car the phallus swung; behind it was the pest. A little before, the Tiber overflowed. Presently, in addition to the pest, famine came. It was patent to everyone that the gods were vexed. There was blasphemy somewhere, and the Christians were tossed to the beasts. Faustine watched them die.