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Further, the consolidation of Germany from his own nationalist point of view became a threat to French interests. Thus he was hoist chiefly by his own petard, and France paid the penalty for his errors.

Yet before its effacement by premature disruption of his own petard it must have had a certain value to him he would not wantonly have renounced it; and had he foreseen its extinction by the bomb the iron views of that controversial device would probably have been denied expression.

'You can have some of the servants' beer, Mrs. Cogglesby appended. Andrew studied her face to see whether she really was not hoisting him with his own petard. Perceiving that she was sincerely acting according to her sense of principle, he fumed, and departed to his privacy, unable to stand it any longer. Then like a kite the Countess pounced upon his character.

As a moralist March was flattered to be hoist with his own petard, but as a husband he was not going to come down at once. "I thought probably you had told her that. You had it pat from having just been over it with me. When has she heard from him?" "Why, that's the strangest thing about it. She hasn't heard at all. She doesn't know where he is. She thought we must know.

SUBLIME SIR: ... What can be more destructive of the higher forms of conversation than a pun? What right has any one to explode a petard in the midst of sweet sociality, and blow every thing like sequence and sentiment sky-high?

King Philip was confessedly preparing to encourage an English subject in treason to his sovereign. Was it so wrong to hoist the engineer with his own petard? Was it wrong of Hamlet to finger the packet of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and rewrite his uncle's despatch? Let us have done with cant in these matters.

A cheer of triumph breaks from the town as they behold the retiring squadrons; they know not that the petard is now attached to the gate, and that the horsemen are merely withdrawn for the explosion. The bridge is cleared, and every eye is turned to watch the discharge which shall break the strong door, and leave the passage open.

"They are fixing a petard," said the knight, with great composure. "I have noted thee for a clever wench, Phoebe, and I will explain it to thee: 'Tis a metal pot, shaped much like one of the roguish knaves' own sugarloaf hats, supposing it had narrower brims it is charged with some few pounds of fine gunpowder. Then"

The robbers being angry at this, another stepped forward, was vanquished as quickly, and another, and still another, until Petard himself interfered, declaring that he who could thus fight without weapons, and with such skill and decision, must be a strong auxiliary in time of need. He was installed, therefore, with due ceremony, as a member of the band.

She found him before a mirror, tying a black bow with an air of despising its ends. "Hullo!" he said, contemplating her in the glass; "what's wrong?" "Monty!" said Winifred stonily. Soames spun round. "What!" "Back!" "Hoist," muttered Soames, "with our own petard. Why the deuce didn't you let me try cruelty? I always knew it was too much risk this way." "Oh! Don't talk about that!