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Dick hung onto the paws, in spite of the sloshing about of his pet's tail for about a quarter of a mile, when he dumped it on the ground and addressing it, said: "There! You uneasy little cuss, you've got to walk. I don't mind your wiggling your tail, but you tickle my ribs with your hind claws and you pound my head with your hard old jaws.

They were hurrying up to their rooms, when, as they passed the library door, which was open, Fanny caught sight of her little pet's cage still on the floor where she had left it. "Oh, it must not remain there! what shall we do with it?" she said, as she went in followed by Norman. The sight of the empty cage was more than she could bear.

The Master, facing the constable, did not see his pet's performance. He took up the thread of speech where Wefers dropped it. "I don't know what the law does or doesn't empower you to do, in such cases," he said, trying to force his way back to the earlier semblance of calm.

This peculiarity, not disagreeable in itself, won upon Pet's compassion, and made her feel more at home in the strange lady's presence than if she were conscious that a pair of full-sighted orbs were looking at her, and accurately noting her defects.

And then, as the smoke whirled aside again, I saw the snake. Its head was waving slowly to and fro, its horrible hood distended, its yellow, lidless eyes fixed upon us. Simmonds saw it too, and retreated a step. "We'd better keep out of there," he gasped, "till that little pet's put away in his basket." But Godfrey seized his arm and dragged him back to the threshold of the door.

She threw her scruples into the waste-basket, accepted Pet's invitation, went with her and her crowd to one of the most reckless dances in Greenwich Village, where men and women strove to outdo the saturnalia of Montmartre, vied with one another in exposure, and costumed themselves as closely according to the fig-leaf era as the grinning policemen dared to permit.

Steiner rested upon a rustic chair and her brother took a seat beside her, and rolling his handkerchief in a ball, as he had often done before in playful mood, he showed it to Pixy and then while Fritz held his hands over his pet's eyes, he threw it far away.

Annette's eye was upon their movements now. "Pull rein, Julie;" and both brought their horses to a standstill. "Well, ma maitresse, what now?" and the pet's hands trembled, and the roses were out of her cheek. "See; they near the swamp, and will be able, after a struggle, to get through it.

He remembered Pet's treachery, and he groaned that there was too much vinegar in life. But he determined to fight for his story, and he did. Long after Pet had turned her attention to other reputations, Prissy was still peddling his yarn. The story went circlewise outward and onward like the influence of a pebble thrown into a pool.

If you knew anything of the world, you'd know what a nice diamond earring will sometimes do when one can get it before this. But I know why you can't abide earrings now: Miss Prettyman doesn't wear 'em; she would I've no doubt if she could only get 'em. Yes, it's Miss Prettyman who "There, Caudle, now be quiet, and I'll say no more about pet's ears at present. We'll talk when you're reasonable.