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So we must, alas! do the reverse in returning to my Penrith reminiscences.

Need I say, dear Friend! That to the brim My heart was full; I made no vows, but vows Were then made for me; bond unknown to me Was given, that I should be, else sinning greatly, A dedicated Spirit. His second long vacation brought him a further gain in human affections. His sister, of whom he had seen little for some years, was with him once more at Penrith, and with her another maiden,

She wrote the note, and ran away with it to Peter, and saw Peter on the pony on his way to Penrith, before she dared to return to her grandfather's bedside. "What should you do with the estate if I left it you?" the Squire said to her the first moment she was again back with him. This was a question she could not answer instantly.

That done, he turned a friendly smile on his tanned face and holding out his hand: "At last, Cris, it is mine to thank you and to repay you in some measure for the service you rendered me that night at Penrith." In bewilderment Crispin took the outstretched hand of his old fellow-roysterer.

Martineau from Francis Newman. "Grisedale Bridge, "Patterdale, near Penrith, "31st July 1854. "My dear Martineau, "I have been faithless in not writing to you before now.... "We are more delighted than ever with Patterdale. Probably enough you know the beauties of your neighbourhood so well, and esteem them so highly, that you turn as deaf an ear as I do to all praises of other parts.

The day grew hot and dusty as they ran down from the Lake district, and they were glad to have their lunch beside a noisy little burn in a green meadow, from the well-stocked luncheon-basket provided by the Penrith inn.

'While this small army was out in a body on the 29th December, upon a rising ground to the northward of Penrith, passing review, Mons. de Cluny with his tribe, was ordered to the Bridge of Clifton, about a mile to southward of Penrith, after having pass'd in review before Mons.

"We were on guard, sir; my friend Malcolm thought it possible that there might be some such contrivance." "And now, my young friend," Mr. Ratcliff said, "you had best mount at once; follow this road for half a mile, and then take the broad road to the left; you cannot mistake it. It goes straight to Penrith. You have got the letter to General Wade?"

A clean, though coarse, bed received him after the fatigues of this unhappy day. With the morning arrived the news that the Highlanders had evacuated Penrith, and marched off towards Carlisle; that the Duke of Cumberland was in possession of Penrith, and that detachments of his army covered the roads in every direction.

There seemed to be hundreds of porters wheeling luggage on trolleys, guards walked about looking splendid fellows, and Mhor's eyes as he beheld them were the eyes of a lover on his mistress. He could hardly be torn away when David came to say that Stark was waiting with the car and that they could not hope to get farther than Penrith that night.